Debbie Bliss Special Knits - Argyle Sweater help?

Has anyone tried knitting the Argyle Sweater from Debbie Bliss’ Special Knits book?

I’m ALMOST done, but I’m stuck on the buttonhole row instructions. Can someone help?

The pattern reads:

Rib 3(3:4:4:2), [rib 2 tog, yf, rib 7(8:9:8:10) sts] 5(5:5:6:6) times, rib 2 tog, yf, rib 4(3:5:4:2).

I’m having the biggest problem with the YF. In the rib pattern and size I’m knitting, I’m doing K,K, P, P (for the first rib), then where it says rib 2 tog, I’m Knitting 2 tog. Is this right? Because in the rib patter, my next step would have been K,K. But the step after the 2 tog is to YF and then rib again. But with the YF, I’m back to my Purl stitch, and it just becomes a normal purl. I’m thinking the YF was supposed to make a button hole? I don’t know what I’m doing! Help please!


I bet when you’re bringing the yarn forward, you’re not making the yarn-over. Before a purl, just bringing the yarn forward will give you a plain old purl stitch.

Bring the yarn forward to purl, but then bring it up over the needle and around to the front again to get a yo before a purl.

Thank you Ingrid! It worked! I was confused because I’ve never done a YF on a purl stitch. Sweater is done! Yea!!! Thanks again!