Debbie Bliss Hooded Jacket

Hi there, I am new to this forum. I am knitting my first baby sweater and I choose to knit Debbi Bliss’s hooded jacket from her book “ Simply Baby”
I am stumped after the button hole row.
It really confuses my when the pattern is not written out at Row1: Row2 etc.
Here are pics of the pattern where I am stuck.

Buttonhole row: work to end, decrease as set ( where do I decrease at, how do I follow the previous decrease pattern)

Work 4 more rows, dec on the next row and 1 foll right side rows as a set.

What does that mean? Could someone write this out for me to understand?

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The decreases are aligned the way the decreases at the crown of a hat align. For the initial decrease and the final decrease one fewer stitch is worked in each row. For the other decreases there are two fewer between decreases. You will have a line of decreases as shown in the photos in this Ravelry project.

For the rows after the buttonhole, you want to continue that line of decreases. Look to the earlier rows and decrease with either a k2tog or skp which will keep that alignment and slant of the decrease.

I am still not sure what that means.
I understand the decrease pattern before the button hole row. However I do not understand “ work 4 more rows, dec on the next row and 1 foll right side rows as set.”

Am I suppose to continue the yoke pattern for 4 more rows ( as is before the button hole row)
How do I work the 4 rows?
All the rows previously have been a decrease row, so “ Dec on next row and 1” is confusing.

In each right side (RS) row you have the right front sts, a k2tog, k3, skp, the right sleeve, k2tog, k3, skp, the back, k2tog, k3, skp, the left sleeve, k2tog, k3, skp, the left front. That is the decreases “as set”, that is they occur between each of the sections of the jacket. It’s highly recommended to place markers on either side of the k3 between the decreases. The number of sts for the fronts, sleeves and back will change as you work the rows but the placement of the decreases relative to the k3 will be the same.
All the “dec on the next row and 1 foll right side rows as set.” is really saying is decrease as you have been doing on each of the next 2 RS rows. Just continue knitting your RS rows and every time you come to 2sts before the marker k2tog, slip the marker, then k3, slip marker and skp.

Which size are you making, first, second, third, etc?