Hello, I’m Judy, and I’m desperate for some assistance.
I have a Crucci pattern that I am stuck on. It has an inset for left and right front. It says the following (but I’ve pulled it out (and all my hair) after the first completed row about 22 times. I dont know what to do after I’ve cast on 105 sts. Whether to knit chevron pattern which is under a separate heading or work the Row 1 instructions that follow after cast on. Here is the pattern for the inset and chev. and lace. I wish you luck. I’ve run out of mine
With 4mm needles cast on 105 sts.
Work chevron patt.
Row 1 - K1, K2 tog, yfd, rep from* in row 1 to last 6 sts, K1, yfd, sl 1k1, passo, k3.
Rows 2 & 4 - P2 tog, P to end.
Row 3 - K2 tog, yfd, k1, rep from* in row 3 to last 5 sts, K3, K2 together tbl.
Row 5 - K3, rep from* in row 5 to last 3 sts, K1, K2 tog tbl.
Row 6 - P2 tog, P to end - 100 sts.
Work moss st.
Row 1 - (P1, K1) to last 2 sts, P 2 tog.
Row 2 - K2 tog, P1 (K1, P1) to end.
Row 3 - (P1, K1) to last 2 sts, P2 tog.
Row 4 - K2 tog, (P1, K1) to last 3 sts, P1, K2 tog tbl - this is the first shoulder shaping - 95 sts.
Work 3 repeats of lace patt. (Do I go to 'Lace Patt or do I do row 1 as follows?
Row 1 - K2 tog, yfd, K1, yfd, sl 1 psso, rep from* in row 1 to last 6 sts, K4, K2 tog tbl.
Row 2 & 4 - P2 tog, P to end.
Row 3 - K2 tog, yfd, K1, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, rep from* in row 3 to last 4 sts, K2, K2 tog tbl.
Row 5 - K2, tog, yfd, K1, yfd, sl 1, K1 passo rep from* in row 5 to last 2 sts, K2 tog tbl.
Row 6 - P2 tog, P to end - 89 sts.
Work 2nd rep, working correct row of patt in centre, and ends of rows as follows.
Row 1 - K2 tog, yfd, K1, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, rep patt to last 12 sts, K3, yfd, sl 1, K1 psso, K2, K2 tog, yfd, K1, K2 tog tbl.
Row 2 - P2 tog, P to last 2 sts, P2 tog.
Row 3 - K2, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, rep patt to last 10 sts, K1, K2 tog, yfd, K1, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, K2, K2 tog tbl.
Row 4 - P2 tog, P to end.
Row 5 - K2, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, rep patt to lst 8 sts, K2 tog, yfd, K4, K2 tog tbl.
Row 6 - P2 tog, P to end - 82 sts.
Work 3rd rep.
Row 1 - K2, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, rep patt to last 6 sts, K4, K2 tog tbl.
Row 2 - P2 tog, P to end.
Row 3 - K2, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, rep patt to last 4 sts, K2, K2 tog tbl.
Row 4 - P2 tog, P to last 2 sts, P2 tog.
Row 5 - K1, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, rep patt to last 2 sts, K2 tog tbl.
Row 6 - P2 tog, P to end - 75 sts.
Place marker at end of last row, this is shoulder edge. Leave sts on spare needle.
- 8 st rep.
Row 1 - *K1, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, K3, K2 tog, yfd.
Rows 2 & 4 - Purl
Row 3 -*K2, yfd, sl 1 psso, k1, K2 tog, yfd, K1.
Row 5 - *K3, yfd, sl 1, K2 tog, psso, yfd, K2.
Row 6 - Purl.
LACE PATTERN - 12 st rep.
Row 1 - *K3, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, K2, K2 tog, yfd, k1, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso.
Rows 2 & 4 - Purl.
Row 3 - *(K1, K2 tog, yfd, K1, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso) twice.
Row 5 - *K2 tog, yfd, K3, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso, K2 tog, yfd, K1, yfd, sl 1, K1, psso.
Row 6 - Purl.
I found this site because I’m so frustrated and I needed to ask someone who knows what they’re doing. I would so appreciate your help. Many thanks in anticipation.