Crossover Shawl Collar

I have almost given up completely on this jumper because of this collar.
My brain just does not want to grasp what it is saying in the pattern. It doesn’t help that I have never done a shawl collar before.
Any help I can get, I really appreciate.

In the pattern, it says:

Sew edges of collar to cast off edges of centre front, lapping right side over left.

I have searched the internet for the last few hours, looking at different videos, blogs, and pictures, trying to figure it out but nothing is helping.
I took a couple of pictures of the collar, there is a square of bathroom tissue as a contrast to help see exactly what is happening in the front.
IMG_0324 IMG_0325


A shawl collar would be folded down at the front centre and the red edge pulled across to join the red line…
Then the green edge pulled across to join the green line.
(Generally women’s is right over left and men’s is left over right . The pattern says right over left but you can do it which ever way you prefer. I put reds joined first as this is how the pattern reads)

If this doesn’t work out then perhaps revisit the collar instructions and just check everything is in the right place and right size.
It looks to me like it will work.

Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately, today, I am stupid. Could you explain it to me like I’m five, please. Lol.
No matter which way I am trying to fold the side over, it just doesn’t seem like I am doing it right.

It isn’t something that looks quite natural as it has to be pulled across which is probably why it doesn’t seem like it’s right.

See if this helps

First the red line.this is the left of the neck band (left as you wear it).
I’ve added a yellow arrow, bring the point of the neckband down (folded or allowed to roll over to reveal the inside) so that the corner meets the other red line where the arrow head is.
The 2 red lines join together.
At the very bottom of the V of the neckband in the photo the 2 red lines don’t need a seam as such as they are already joined right in the bottom of the V

After that left side is in place and sewn (or pinned for now) onto the right side place, then do the other side.

The green line on the neckband will seam across the other green line, however it will seam to the inside of the neckband because you will have the other side of the collar in place, revealing the inside neckedge or pickup line, imagine the green line is on the wrong side of the fabric. The purple arrow shows the point of collar and the green line which needs to fold or roll down and be pulled across to where the arrow head is pointing.
Again the other end of the green line, right in the bottom of that V opening is already joined.

Maybe pin one in place and post a photo?

What is the pattern name/number? If these 2 edges don’t want to move into place perhaps check the pattern instruction for the neckband (check maybe where to pick up and knit from and to). I am looking at a few photos of shawl collars but not seeing one with the neck knit quite like this. It might help to see a picture of the pattern photo or the neck band instruction.

The photo in the book (Traditional Aran Knitting by Shelagh Hollingworth) doesn’t really help but this is the image from the book and the instructions…


The To make up part, not the Pattern 15.


I used stitch markers…is it suppose to be sewn something like this?


It looks on the photo to be sewn a little lower down than I have drawn, I think I see the seam above the cable diamond, whereas I’ve put the lines a bit higher.
My description, especially the second side isn’t great. Sorry.
I’ve been looking for photos and patterns to try to help as my description isn’t clear.

Oh no, I really appreciate all of the help you are giving me.
I think I might just sew it like this, I think it looks good like that the more I look at it.
That is the thing with handmade knitted garments as well, you can do what you want with them.
Thank you so much for all of your help!

What is the name of your pattern?
Usually with these patterns there is a short line of bound off or held sts at the center front. The sides of the collar (the row ends) then fold into that section of bound off sts. This is the meaning of sewing the edges of the collor to the cast off sts in your pattern. I can just about see it (or imagine it) in the pattern photo.

The upper drawing shows the cast off sts (arrow) and the lower is an attempt to show the collar edges stitched down to the bound off sts.

Check your pattern directions to see if there are any bound off sts at the center front neck.

The pattern I am trying to figure out is Pattern 14: Child’s Sweater with Crossover Shawl Collar.
From the book - Traditional Aran Knitting by Shelagh Hollingworth.
I’ve never knit a shawl collar before, so this is new to me and quite confusing for some reason.

Yes, these can be confusing so you’re not alone. If you wouldn’t mind, can you check the directions for the front and see if there is any place where 10 sts or so are bound off at the front center?

In the pattern it says - Divide for neck - Cast off 18 sts in the centre.
Then with the collar - pick up sts along right front neck, knit one sleeve, pick up sts along back, knit sleeve, pick up sts along left front neck…

Was I suppose to leave the 18 sts cast off open? I only left like a stitch worth open along the front.
I feel dumb. Lol

Oh, good. You have the bound off sts. Yes, they were supposed to be left open. The collar is knit back and forth on the sts picked up at the 2 sides of the neck and along the back of the neck. Knit for the given number of rows on these sts then check to see that the side of the collar (the row ends) is long enough to fill in along the bound off sts.
Once the collar is finished and bound off, one collar end is sewn down to the bound off gap at center neck. The other collar end is then sewn down along this same gap but in back of the first sewn down edge.
Your knitting looks beautiful. This is the last little finishing touch. It’s a pain to have to reknit the collar but it’ll be worth it.

Thank you so much for your help.
I feel like I should have known this but…I have never knit a collar like this before so it was very confusing. I will start to unravel and try again. All part of the learning experience.
Thanks again.

Unfortunately, I guess I should have waited until tomorrow…
I just started unraveling the collar but forgot there were stitches from the sleeves and the back that were not attached to everything else…part of the sleeves and back are now lost and I can’t fix it. I am going to have to take the entire jumper apart and knit it over again. :frowning:
All part of the learning experience but I’m still sad.

Thank you again to everyone for your help. At least I know all of what I am suppose to do now.

I’m glad to see you and salmonmac have discovered how the neckband is knit and attached. I did wonder if it was a bit out.

Not great to hear you have lost some stitches though. Are they not at all able to be saved?
What if you posted a photo maybe someone can help with ideas how to fix?

Oh no, that lovely knitting. I’m so sorry. I was hoping you could get down to the pick up row and save even that, just taking out the sts over the front opening.
I’ve had to take sweaters apart and reknit large portions so I guess it is all part of the process however painful. Hoping the reknit goes quickly and easily.

Unfortunately, none of it could have been saved. I was foolish and wasn’t very patient and tried to use my ball winder to make it quicker. Big mistake. It pulled on everything so hard that too many stitches unraveled.
I appreciate all of the help you gave me though, Thank you very much.

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It should go a bit quicker and easier since I know all of what I am suppose to do now.
And also, I will be more patient this time. :slight_smile:
Thank you very much for all of the help you were giving me, I really appreciate it.


Looking forward to seeing the final project when it’s done.

Going to start on it today. :slight_smile: Maybe it will go quicker than a week and half this time around. Lol