My sister has asked me to make a toy/comforter for her baby. I am a bit worried about the filling to use and what age could we trust a child with a handmade toy. I must have trusted my own daughters around 6/7 years (and the details were embroidered). What are your thoughts on this?
My sister also chose an octopus which means many parts as already 8 legs all to be crocheted separately… Thank you
Crochet toy for a baby
There are some awfully cute crochet patterns for toys including octopuses. I’d wait until at least 3-4 years old however, past the stage where everything goes into the mouth. Definitely go with the embroidered details rather than beads or safe eyes.
There are good fiberfill brands available which aren’t imported.
Crochet also give a very durable fabric with very small and tight stitches (especially SC). The crafting of small figures seems to be called amigarumi.
Here is a pattern where the tentacles can be changed to nubs (like in second pattern & image)
-or -
I like the short legged version of the octopus @OffJumpsJack linked. I’d rather that for a young baby or toddler rather than the long thin legs.
I see no reason not to make a toy for a young child, a baby even, people buy similar toys for babies, just be mindful of the size of the gauge, the yarn type and filling, and no buttons or eyes - after all a wool toy is not much different to a wool blanket or sweater and babies are put in those all the time. Embroidered details in a similar gauge yarn and really well sewn in so a thin thread cannot get loose is what I’d be looking for in toy, thin threads even on shop bought clothes can be a risk of cutting off blood supply if little fingers get caught and wind it around.
If you are concerned about filling you could squish up a terry cotton wash cloth and fill it with that - no fine fibers and easily washes.
Long and short of it with toys or anything for a child is it is up to parents to decide what they consider safe and I’m sure they will appreciate the gift even if it is kept for supervised cuddles or to decorate baby’s room.
Comforters, need at least 2 the same, if baby bonds with it wash day can be a no sleep disaster day. Even better to have 3 so the one with baby vom on it can be thrown in the wash too.