Crochet Edging Question

Hi all,
I am knitting a shawl and it ends with crochet edging. I have never crocheted before. It seems pretty easy in that all I am doing is chaining. The last row before the edging was knitted. Then the pattern reads as follows:

*Insert crochet hook through the next 3 sts and sl off needle, yo and draw through all sts on hook, chain 7; rep from * across to last 3 sts, insert crochet hook through the last 3 sts and sl off needle, yo and draw through all sts on hook. Fasten off.

I figured out the first part up to the chain part. I have one stich on the crochet hook from the yarn over. When I looked on the Internet on how to do the chain stitch it showed how to begin chaining (kind of like casting on) and I didn’t know where to look for chaining the next row. My question is: to chain 7 do I use the stitch already on the crochet hook and chain 7 brand new stitches with the loose (working) yarn, or do I slip the next seven stiches onto the crochet hook (one at a time) and use those to chain? i.e. slip the next knitted stich onto the crochet hook, chain, slip the next knitted stitch onto the crochet hook, chain for 7 times? Does anyone know of any good videos or picture sites to see how to crochet for beginners? My mind is in knitting mode.
Thanks for any help.

My question is: to chain 7 do I use the stitch already on the crochet hook and chain 7 brand new stitches with the loose (working) yarn, or do I slip the next seven stiches onto the crochet hook (one at a time) and use those to chain? i.e. slip the next knitted stich onto the crochet hook, chain, slip the next knitted stitch onto the crochet hook, chain for 7 times?

You’re working a dec on those 3 sts. Yarn over and pull the yarn through all 3 at once. Then, you have one loop on the hook. At that point you yarn over and pull the loop through 7 times with the working yarn. The loop you start out with won’t count in the 7. Move the next 3 knit sts to the hook and repeat the process.

I can see it in my head. I hope this helps. If not, I’m sure someone else can say it better. I also hope I understand what you’re asking.

Yes, doing this chain is just like if you were making a chain to start a piece; instead of a slip knot you just have the one loop on the hook. So reach out and grab the yarn, pull it through and you’ve done one chain. Do it 6 more times and there’s your ch 7. Then hook through the next 3 sts, yo and pull it through all 3 sts again. It’s as if you CO sts, you don’t use the existing ones, you make new one.

Thanks for your help. I do understand! :muah:

Thanks for your help! :muah: