Good morning Creations, and thank you for your message. So here’s the thing. Someone I know who knits and has knitted me several cardigans in the past has now got a machine that apparently makes the knitting process a lot quicker as well as making the item look more professionally made.
The first two cardigans she created for me I chose the pattern and the motif if my memory serves me correctly as this was over 10 years ago now and I still have the cardigans. I believe she was then able to use software like adobe photoshop to make the pattern.
Now I do recall her telling me at the time in choosing the wool and what it was I was I was asking her to create that she did mention something about the cardigan will start to hang or stretch because of the knitting style being asked. This became apparent which I was gutted about after wear two of the initials cardigans she made using the same technique. I’ll post a picture of what one of the cardigan’s look like when it was first made, and to be fair it still looks the same now but it hangs a touch over my shoulders.
She has in the last 3-4 years created 2 more cardigans which when worm just look fantastic, in fact i’m in shock just how well it they looked that I doubted these could have been made by her and not purchased in a shop…Needless to say she didn’t take that too well
, but surely indirectly that is a compliment is it not
As for me being inspired to consider learning how to knit, it has crossed my mind on a few occasions, even as recent as yesterday, but i’m a guy who enjoys going to the gym and working out in my free time, I’m just not sure about folks seeing me sitting in the gym pumped up after a workout and getting my needles out to continue knitting. Wearing the item I can do, I can do that well
The last 2 cardigans she made for me which both look like items created in my opinion professionally, I haven’t even worn as yet.
I remember the first time I wore the very first cardigan she created for me and we we’re in Central London, a few people asked where I had got the cardigan from, which I’m sure for her made her feel good that her work was not just appreciated by me but from was clearly noticed by a wider audience.