Create sweater pattern

Screenshot 2022-01-09 at 21.24.14 Screenshot 2022-01-09 at 21.24.24

Is it possible to create a cardigan that looks like this using either needle or a machine for example? I have no idea about knitting but I have always wondered whether it is possible to recreate a style of a woollen cardigan but using your own pattern I think it is.

Wish I could get £900 for one of my knits!

Yes, people can make their own patterns for hand or machine knitting. The cardigan you posted a photo of is listed as hand knit. Making a pattern from scratch is something for a very skilled knitter though, it’s not something a beginner would tackle.
It’s more common to find a pattern that has been published and work from that. Some have amazing oatterns and motifs.
With experience some patterns can be altered, adding your own motif for example.

Are you inspired to have a go at knitting and make yourself a cardigan?

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Good morning Creations, and thank you for your message. So here’s the thing. Someone I know who knits and has knitted me several cardigans in the past has now got a machine that apparently makes the knitting process a lot quicker as well as making the item look more professionally made.

The first two cardigans she created for me I chose the pattern and the motif if my memory serves me correctly as this was over 10 years ago now and I still have the cardigans. I believe she was then able to use software like adobe photoshop to make the pattern.

Now I do recall her telling me at the time in choosing the wool and what it was I was I was asking her to create that she did mention something about the cardigan will start to hang or stretch because of the knitting style being asked. This became apparent which I was gutted about after wear two of the initials cardigans she made using the same technique. I’ll post a picture of what one of the cardigan’s look like when it was first made, and to be fair it still looks the same now but it hangs a touch over my shoulders.

She has in the last 3-4 years created 2 more cardigans which when worm just look fantastic, in fact i’m in shock just how well it they looked that I doubted these could have been made by her and not purchased in a shop…Needless to say she didn’t take that too well :laughing: , but surely indirectly that is a compliment is it not :grinning: .

As for me being inspired to consider learning how to knit, it has crossed my mind on a few occasions, even as recent as yesterday, but i’m a guy who enjoys going to the gym and working out in my free time, I’m just not sure about folks seeing me sitting in the gym pumped up after a workout and getting my needles out to continue knitting. Wearing the item I can do, I can do that well :rofl:.

The last 2 cardigans she made for me which both look like items created in my opinion professionally, I haven’t even worn as yet.

I remember the first time I wore the very first cardigan she created for me and we we’re in Central London, a few people asked where I had got the cardigan from, which I’m sure for her made her feel good that her work was not just appreciated by me but from was clearly noticed by a wider audience.

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Yes it’s certainly nice to get compliments about a knitted piece.
I use pre written patterns but I tend to alter them in some way to make,e them a one off and more personal. In fact the reason I started knitting was because I couldn’t find a multicoloured striped jumper for my son who loves bright colours, so I made him one (well, two).

No one says you have to knit at the gym. I only knit at home. Maybe you will find a pattern you like and give it a go. Maybe start with a scarf, it’s cold enough in the UK just now.

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Stunning looking cardigan.
There are very interesting knitting patterns for Cowichan sweaters (similar to the Ralph Lauren in your first post), many on Ravelry. A search even brings up the Dude sweater.

We had a famous male Metro rider in Washington who knit socks on his daily commute. You might even start a trend at your local gym!

This is true I guess.

I’ll definitely be saving that site to my favourites to take a look. Thanks for that.