Continental cast on dpn

when i did continental cast on the dpn and then started knitting in the round on them came how come i came up with an extra stitch

You might not have counted the first loop as a stitch or just did one too many. Count the actual loops on the needle to include that first one. If you had the right number of sts, you might have accidentally added one if you were doing ribbing or your needle tip got under the yarn at the join and it looked like a stitch.

I’ve never heard of continental cast on. I’ve heard of many casts ons, and the only thing “continental” brings to my mind is the way one knits.

Anyway, when I started out learning how to knit and purl, I tried to combine knit and purl on one row and I came up with way too many stitches. Maybe you’ve forgot to wrap the yarn around.

Otherwise,… did you do a slipknot at the beginning of the cast on and knit that as well on subsequent rounds?

LT is sometimes called the ‘continental’ cast on, as well as double cast on, sling shot, two-strand, Y cast on and I saw a post on ravelry that called it the ‘cat’s cradle’ cast on though that may be what the poster calls it, not an official name.

You may have twisted the stitches when you joined the work and ended up with yarn going over the needle rather than under it. Don’t worry if you end up with one stitch too many or one stitch short at the end. We all miscount at times. I cheat. If I’m short one, I’ll knit the last stitch as a knit in front and back increase. If I have one too many stitches, I’ll knit the last two stitches together. You really don’t notice it.

Our knitted work is never measured at the cast on edge. When you begin to knit your first row after the cast on, it’s going to be a little tight. It should be just fine once you knit that first one. Your knitting relaxes and gets more stretched out after that first row.

if you did a long tail cast on it makes an extra stitch in the begining … you can either drop that stitch or count it as your actual casted on stitches… either way you need to count them and see what you want to do… if you started with a slip knot and you just drop it you can pick it out and it won’t show…

A long tail CO doesn’t make an extra stitch, it’s the slip knot that’s also counted as a stitch, or it can be dropped off. Same with the other Cast ons, you can make them with or without the slipknot.

The way Amy teaches long tail cast on the first step makes 2 loops. You don’t begin with a slip knot.

I watched it and it’s basically how I do it, though I use two hands. All COs have to start with a loop or knot or something, then you do the ‘cast on’ and there’s 2 loops. They all do, so you count that beginning loop as a cast on stitch too.