Confusing pattern - need help

Hi - I’ve hit a very confusing bit of my pattern. I have no idea how many rows I should knit now…I don’t know if the 10th row is counted from the beginning of the section (where the needles were changed) or from this point on (where I got stuck).

This is the section I don’t understand

"Change to 10mm (US 15) needles.
Beg with a K row, work in st st for 4 rows, ending with RS facing
for next row. [B](No problem with this bit…)[/B]
Next row (RS): K2, sl 1, K1, psso, K to last
4 sts, K2tog, K2. [B](This is ok too)[/B]

[B]This is where I got stuck[/B]
Working all side seam decreases as set by last row, dec 1 st at each
end of 10th and foll 10th row. 35 [37: 39: 41: 43: 45] sts.
[B](Where does it say how many rows to knit?)[/B]

Cont straight until back meas 30 [30: 29: 32: 31: 33] cm, ending
with RS facing for next row."

Can anyone help me?

Thanks Mx

You knit until you’ve decreased every 10th row down to the right number of sts for your size. The first 10th row starts with your first decrease row, the ‘next row (RS)’. After that one, work 9 rows and dec on the 10th one, which will also be a RS row.

What are you making? I think it says increase on row 10, and row 20 … so you would decrease 3 times…
"next row"
Row 10
Row 20
and depending on what size you are making on Row 20 you would have the number of stitches in ( )

Or what Sue says :slight_smile: she is usually right !!

Thanks guys…

I’m making the Rowan Anise jacket. I think it will make me look fat but worth a go :slight_smile:

So I knit until I have 39 stitches, starting with row 1 as the 1st decreased row, then decreasing every 10 rows, then just knit straight until it’s 29 cm long?

Have I got that right?

First, you knit 4 rows in st st. Your last row is a purl row.

On your next row, which is a knit row, you are working your first decrease.

Now you knit 9 more rows in st st which will mean your next row (the 10th row) is a knit row. Follow the decreases as you did here: K2, sl 1, K1, psso, K to last
4 sts, K2tog, K2.

Knit 9 more rows in st st and repeat the decrease instructions for the 10th row.