Childs knit shrug or bolero pattern

I’m looking for a shrug or bolero pattern for my 6 granddaughters, age 2yrs. to 8 yrs, Does any one know of or have a pattern for me. Thanks

There’s a cute one here -

These are cute, too.

I really like the one under the second link in Jan’s post.

And I just made this one for myself:

and am thinking of modiflying the size to fit kids. I have not found my formular, yet, but it is really plain: a square with the corners missing ( 1/6 of the length on either side) and therefore should be morphable in any size… it might be easiest to measure across the kids shoulders to where the 12 stitches of sleeve would sit (but I do not have the kids I work for anywhere close).

oh, and I have seen this but do not have the pattern:

Thanks for the links. I really like the allabout you link and the pattern is free, but was unable to see picture form knit me pretty.

for me the pic comes up. I have the direct link for you here:

maybe that will do?