Channel Island cast on

I’m starting a new project (fingerless mittens) which call for a Channel Island cast on (said to be strong and decorative) and I am having trouble following the instructions. Can anyone help me figure this method out?? Thanks.

I’d never heard of this cast over, but I did a bit of googling.

This explanation seems to be fairly clear:

There’s also a YouTube video tutorial here:

What a very cool cast-on! I’m looking forward to trying it on some baby clothes. Anybody have ideas on a bind-off to match it?

Is that Youtbe video from out very own OfTroy? Awsome :slight_smile:

Thanks Marria for the plug!

it took me forever to learn this cast on (from text!) its a strong, stretchy, decorative cast on… 3 great qualities rolled into 1–but its not easy! (no cast on is perfect) and i don’ know any cast off that matches…

You’re welcome! It’s a great video–really clear and easy to follow. I love learning new techniques.