change circular pattern to straight pattern

I don’t like circular knitting and far prefer straight knitting. How do I change a button front cardigan pattern stating circular knitting instead of straight knitting?

What is the name of your pattern and designer?
Usually cardigans are knit back and forth (unless there is a steek). They might be knit on a circular needle just to accommodate the stitch number but nevertheless knit back and forth.

Gotcha! Many thanks.

Does your pattern say to use a circular needle? That could be the designer’s preference. I’m knitting a scarf, flat, on a circular needle because they’re leashed together and my chair doesn’t need to eat knitting needles. A pattern intended for steeks would be in the round.


You have a point there about not finding the needles. I finally found a pattern for a classic crew neck pullover vest where the instructions call for circular needles. I will give the needles a try. I am now 83 and have been knitting with straight needles since I was 13. I did try circular needles one time but I found it cumbersome because it does not stay flat.


You could teach me more about knitting than I’ve managed to learn so far, I’m sure, things that I’ve no idea of. I’ve only been knitting about 12 years and I won’t be 70 for a year or three. I know that circular needles are touted as the best thing ever and for me they’re great. BUT I got accustomed to using them early on in my knitting. If I could knit English style I think I’d use long straights, dpn, and a knitting belt. If you don’t have to use circular needles and can do your project without them, why go to the effort of training yourself to use them? Anything written for circular needles to be worked in the round can be done on dpn. In the round patterns can usually be adjusted for flat knitting. If you wish to knit a large blanket all in one piece then the length of the circular to allow for all the stitches makes sense. But blankets can be knit in pieces and the long, narrower pieces joined. There was a heck of a lot of beautiful knitting accomplished by knitters before circular needles were invented. If you want to change a pattern from in the round to flat someone can help. And if you’re lucky I’ll keep my nose out of it because while I understand and can do such things I get an A+++ at making things harder when I try to help.

I have great respect for knitters who have so many years experience and wish there were some in my small circle of real life acquaintences.

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I’ve made a button front cardigan on circular needles but it was only so the stitches all fitted on the needle. In mine the pattern was worked from button band all the way to the other button band so the long circular needle cable was able to hold all those stitches. If your straights can hold the stitches there’s no need to change the pattern. If not though and you need to adapt the pattern to pieces, 2 fronts and a back worked separately and seamed, this is also possible. If you need help I’m sure we could chip in.
If it is worked in the round with a central steek I imagine this can also be adapted so work separately and not steek the project.

I do tend to use circulars more than straights but I prefer working on straights for various reasons.

Maybe you could find a similar style written for knitting in pieces (back, fronts, sleeves).

I’d be happy to help search if you like.

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