In a pattern it says “using the working yarn, cast on 7 stitches on the left needle”. I don’t know how to do it? It’s not in the beginning, like I just finished a row and the next instruction is that. I tried this video: but the cast on stitches are on the right needle. Can anyone link me videos or something?
Cast on on left needle?
Watch the same video starting at the 2:30 min mark. He uses the knit cast on (or you could use the cable cast on) to cast sts onto the left needle.
In some cases the sts are cast onto the right hand needle and then the needle is switched to the left hand to knit the sts.
What is the name of your pattern?
That’s after he turns the work though. What do you mean the needle is switched to the left hand? Like you cast them on the right needle then transfer them? Also the pattern is " Victorian Neck Cozy" (You should be familiar with it since I asked questions about it like a while ago)
Ah yes.
Your working yarn is coming off the right hand needle. Switch the right hand needle to your left hand and cast on the 7sts using the knit or cable cast on. Then switch the needles back so that the cast on sts are on the right hand needle and knit the last cast on stitch together with the next stitch of the body of the cowl.
Okay thank you. Before I do that, can I remove my marker or not?
Okay wait hold on… sorry I just removed the marker since I realized I didn’t really need it. But you said I’ll have the cast on stitches on my right needle which I do. So how would I knit the last cast on stitch together with the next body stitch if it’s on my right hand needle, aka my like working needle?
OK, the yarn strand is at the tip of the right hand needle. You can knit the last cast on stitch and the first body stitch together through the back loop or you can move the last cast on stitch to the left needle and knit it together with the first body stitch.