I’m starting a pattern that’s knitted in the round, which I’ve only done once before, and I’m a bit stumped by one of the early instructions. After having knitted flat for a while, the intent is to join the neckline. The instructions say to cast on 18 sts at the end of the row, then not to turn, but join with RS facing you. The only cast on I know of which truly works at the end of a row is backwards loop and the general consensus seems to be this is not suitable for more than a few sts. Online videos for end of row cast ons are actually all beginning of row cast ons, with the work turned. Do I take the instruction not to turn as applying only to the point where you actually join and start working? That is, turn the work and cast on at what would be the beginning of a row and then once the new sts are on the needle, turn the work again so it looks as if they are at the end of the row?
cast on at end of row
Yes, you are correct. When a pattern says cast on at end of row you must turn, cast on, turn back. So it is as though it is done at the end of the row and not turned but in fact you needed to do the turn to produce the stitches.
The working yarn will end up at the end of the row in the correct position for making your join.
The knit cast on or cable cast on works for this, cable cast on is a bit chunkier and sturdier but the choice is yours.
Do ask again if you are unsure.
Thank you. I just wish the pattern had said ‘turn, cast on, turn again and with right side facing, join’. That would have been clearer than instructing to cast on at the end of the row and not to turn.
Often patterns leave the cast-on method open for the knitter to choose. There is a cast-on where you don’t have to turn (backwards loop).
It seems you didn’t read the original post, in which I specifically mentioned backwards loop, as well as the problem with it in this case, namely that it’s only suitable for a small number of stitches. The issue is not that the pattern doesn’t specify a cast on but that it instructs both to cast on at the end of the row and not to turn. That seems to leave no option but backwards loop, which as I say, is not generally considered suitable for more than a few stitches.