cascade 220 superwash sport

I’m desperate to find a skein of this colour Blue Dawn which us weird ascits green. Colour 500 dye lot SB23993.

There are 2 on Ravelry even with this dyelot. But it says not for sale.

Thank you

Not for sale is a default listing that people don’t generally bother changing, so it’s worth asking the person (or people) who has it stashed if they’d be willing to part with it.
Had a quick google and didn’t find it anywhere else, unfortunately, but good luck if you decide to keep looking.


Yay! I emailed a wool shop in America just in case. They have it and the exact same dye lot! How fantastic.


:thinking: I would contact them, and explain the situation. Worth trying :wink:


:smiley::clap:good for you!

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Great result!

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