Can anyone help me?

I am a beginner knitter with only a few simple projects under my belt.

I wanted to make a large blanket so I purchased the “Large Wrap Up” blanket kit from the company, “Wool and the Gang”. The link to it is:

They have a video walking through each step, however, there is still something that I am not getting right. The link to the video is here:

I’d like to add that this is being done on circular needles so I am knitting flat on circular needles, which I have never done before.

The instructions are as follows:
1). Cast on 73 stitches with cable cast-on technique
2). Work 1-row garter stitch
3) Slip 1 stitch purl-wise, work in garter stitch to the end of the row.
4). Repeat step 3 until your piece measures 26cm/10.2"

The issue that I’m having is with the slip knot and slipping the 1st stitch of each row purl-wise.

Here is what I do:
I start off by creating a slip knot and cast on using the cable cast-on technique. Once I’m done casting on, I notice that the slip knot loop is pretty loose. I also notice that my yarn tail is woven through it (I’m not sure if it should be like that but it happens automatically when I do the cable cast on). Regardless of this, I continue the project by knitting the 1st row. After I’m done knitting the 1st row, the next step states to slip the 1st stitch of the 2nd-row purl-wise for a “neat edge”. When I attempt to slip the 1st stitch purl-wise, I end up with a very loose loop that can’t be tightened.

I feel like this issue is stemming from my slip knot but I can’t seem to figure out why. I have attempted this at least 10 times so far and can’t figure it out. I make sure my needles are held close together, and my tension isn’t too tight or too loose. I looked up Youtube videos and none seem to address my issue.

I would sincerely appreciate any help with this! I can also include some photos or any additional information that might help if needed.

Welcome to the forum!
What a gorgeous blanket. It’s going to be lovely and a fun knit with thick yarn.
It may help to tighten up the slip knot a bit more. You just need to be able to easily get the right hand needle into the loop to work that first stitch.
Definitely hold the yarn tail in you left hand along with the left hand needle. That’ll keep it from twisting around with the slip knot and keep the slip knot in place. It shouldn’t be moving around so much on the needle. Make sure that first stitch after the slip knot is close to the slip knot.
Often that loose loop at the first stitch of a row has a loose loop which comes from the row below. It can’t be tightened up but as you continue to knit, the loose loop does incorporate itself into the adjoining stitches. Don’t try to tighten it up by bringing the working yarn over the needle to the back as this tends to create an extra stitch. (It’s not likely you’ll do this since the first stitch is a slip stitch.)

Hello and welcome. You’re not doing anything wrong with your cast on but this is a great opportunity to learn how to improve the finished result of a cable cast on. I didn’t like using it for the same reason but then found this video. I’m really liking how it’s working on my current project with the improvements Rox shows which include getting rid of the slip knot entirely.


I was going to suggest the same solution GrumpyGramma gave.
I love cable cast on and it’s like magic letting 2 stitches drop off the needle to improve the edge and corner.
Rox also shows in another video how to use this on a sweater hem or cuff and how to weave in the tail after seaming or joining in the the round so that the cast on edge looks continuous. It’s a small detail but ever so lovely.

With slipping the first stitch to make a neat edge, some people like to do this in every project even when the pattern does not state it and the edges are going to be seamed for a sweater. I prefer not to but I am very mindful of my edge stitches as they are delicate when being worked.
If you slip the first stitch you need to keep knitting a good number of rows to really see the effect. Looking at it right away isn’t helpful.

Maybe try a small swatch so you can see the effect of slipping the first stitch a good few times without having to work the full size rows of the blanket.

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