I am a beginner knitter with only a few simple projects under my belt.
I wanted to make a large blanket so I purchased the “Large Wrap Up” blanket kit from the company, “Wool and the Gang”. The link to it is: https://www.woolandthegang.com/en/products/large-wrap-up-blanket-kit
They have a video walking through each step, however, there is still something that I am not getting right. The link to the video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBemfVX1m3c&t=158s
I’d like to add that this is being done on circular needles so I am knitting flat on circular needles, which I have never done before.
The instructions are as follows:
1). Cast on 73 stitches with cable cast-on technique
2). Work 1-row garter stitch
3) Slip 1 stitch purl-wise, work in garter stitch to the end of the row.
4). Repeat step 3 until your piece measures 26cm/10.2"
The issue that I’m having is with the slip knot and slipping the 1st stitch of each row purl-wise.
Here is what I do:
I start off by creating a slip knot and cast on using the cable cast-on technique. Once I’m done casting on, I notice that the slip knot loop is pretty loose. I also notice that my yarn tail is woven through it (I’m not sure if it should be like that but it happens automatically when I do the cable cast on). Regardless of this, I continue the project by knitting the 1st row. After I’m done knitting the 1st row, the next step states to slip the 1st stitch of the 2nd-row purl-wise for a “neat edge”. When I attempt to slip the 1st stitch purl-wise, I end up with a very loose loop that can’t be tightened.
I feel like this issue is stemming from my slip knot but I can’t seem to figure out why. I have attempted this at least 10 times so far and can’t figure it out. I make sure my needles are held close together, and my tension isn’t too tight or too loose. I looked up Youtube videos and none seem to address my issue.
I would sincerely appreciate any help with this! I can also include some photos or any additional information that might help if needed.