So glad to hear from you!
Am not on Ravelry. Sorry.
Working would dampen my spirits too and make me tired! But I know what you mean about not being in the Spirit. I wasn’t until I started cutting out adorable pictures from magazines of little Christmas figures and scenes for an advent caleldar. (A disposable one.) That really got me in the spirit! And I felt more inspired for knitting presents. I made 6 dishcloths for a group of ladies. I know that’s not much for the master knitters here, but that was a lot of work for me! heheh
We have the tree up. And I love it. The kids didn’t do the tree this year… guess it’s not manly and macho enough and they ARE SO manly and macho now. So it’s ok, I don’t mind. I like the males around me to be allowed to be macho and manly. Is very cool to see and have the manliness used in other ways they enjoy employing their muscles and power! It was probably the beads I use instead of garland that turned them off to the tree decorating. They would have had to touch recycled necklaces! Gasp! Any way! lol. The tree is up. The other decorations are hung or displayed. The tree skirt might be washed, or just put under the tree, depends on if I’m brave enough to wash it. Is a patchwork, and I’m not too sure about my sewing skills. Still have the presents for immediate family to buy and wrap. We have money for the kids and that’s about it.
I heard that Calagary area doesn’t have as much snow as down here in the Lethbridge area. I can understand you wanting more. We just might have a white Christmas here in the Great White North… you’d think! hehheh
Just finished two scarves for Christmas, to give to whomever I feel would accept a learners article. Did some dishcloths like I said. Am about to start a poncho for one of my sons. (I’ve 3 sons.) He picked out some blue corrigated that I can match with lots of yarn in my stash. That’ll use up a ton of the yarn. I’m really wanting to make some winter hats, those with ear flaps. I think they’re so cute!, and would love to be able to have one for myself, and give some to others. It may not get terribly cold like it use to in decades past… but that wind chill can still freeze ears off. So am looking for a very very very easy earflap hat recipe/pattern. Will be putting something else on my knitting looms, probably another scarf, shawl. I made myself a serape, and love it! It’s in wool, a blue that’s not very feminine in hubby’s eyes (which yes matters to me a lot)… BUT dang it’s warm. (A serape, in my understanding is like a mini skirt for your shoulders… sort of. Or just a very fancy name for a very fancy shawl/wrap thingy.) But I like it. When the house feels chilly, for whatever reason, I put it on while I knit and in no time, I’m too warm. That wool is really HOT stuff! hehheheh.
Any way, Merry Christmas! :woot: Hope it’s safe and happy for you. And have a great New Year too. Let me know how you’re doing too, and if you have anything on the needles. I’d love to hear about any project, knitting or otherwise that you’ve got going on.:happydance: