Cabled bow

It suddenly popped into my head that it might be possible to knit a bow motif using cables. After all, people have designed cabled spiders and dragons!

Has anyone seen one? I tried searching but there were too many knitted bow patterns.

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I have found a couple of motis in Melissa Leapman’s “Continuous Cables” that look bow like. Not sure I have the ability to adapt them. I haven’t even knitted a closed cable before.

Not exactly what you’re looking for but:
I’ve used this stitch which makes a kind of bow (or ok, a butterfly) but it doesn’t use cables.

Techknitter has a system for knitting continuous cables (not for the faint of heart) but it does take time.

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I had to go looking and see what there is to see. I found this which I think has a strong resemblance to a bow. Now I must exit the rabbit hole before I’m lost forever. :joy:


Have you tried that technique? The circles look beautiful but I have to admit I gave up reading the article (and I usually love technical, fiddly stuff).

Yes, that could make a nice bow effect. I will try it!

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I’ve tried TechKnitter’s technique on a swatch out of curiosity but I can’t see ever having the patience to work it on a sweater or other project.

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Very sensible! Maybe if you were doing a project that had one feature motif centre front that needed it, but not repeating on x number of motifs all over a sweater.

I think if I was going to knit a project with closed cables, I would choose motifs that look good anyway. For example, the ones that look like old-fashioned pointy Christmas baubles.

Actually, those could be used to make a lovely subtle Christmas sweater. I’m sure someone has done that already. Thick wool, and one big motif on the front, maybe with a few sparkly beads.

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It’s really amazing. I try it.