Cable with sts in between

I’m trying to follow a pattern and while I’ve knitted many cable patterns before I can’t seem to figure this one out because there are an uneven number of plain stockonette sts between two cables.

The pattern says “Shift 2 sts colour B to left, case 2 (=sl2 colour B on cable needle to the front, P1 colour B, K1 from cable needle)”… in between the two colour B cables are 3 colour A and nowhere does it mention them…Also, it says to “K1” from the cable" but 2 were placed there… I don’t know if these are typos? I assume it means knit or purl that colour A st, then knit BOTH from the cable needle.

In the second part (after slipping a st as the chart says) it says: “Shift 2 sts colour B to right, case 2 (=sl1 colour B on cable needle to the back, K2 colour B, P1 from cable needle)” But after following the first part and slipping a colour A st, the next two sts are not the colour B that are part of the cable - there is a colour A and a colour B so 2 Bs can’t be slipped to a cable needle…

Each time it says to slip 2 to the cable but then knit 1 from the cable… I’ve tried to look up these symbols but I can’t find them anywhere… I am confused as to whether these are all errors in the symbol explanation.

I don’t know if I’m explaining properly… The pattern is called Norden on Ravelry.
ANY help would be appreciated, Thank you! :slight_smile:norCapture

Welcome to the forum!
Thank you for the pattern link.
It’s a mistake in the pattern.
Shift 2 sts colour B to left, case 2 (=sl2 colour B on cable needle to the front, P1 colour B, K2 from cable needle)

The first set of symbols near your red arrow has you cross 2sts in B to the right. One stitch in A is held on a cable needle to the back, K2 in B, slip stitch from cable needle.
The second set of symbols has you cross 2sts in B to the left. Slip two stitches in B to a cable needle held in front, slip one stitch A, K2 from the cable needle.

You should always be crossing 2sts in color B (shown in white in the photo on the Ravelry page) to form the cable with A as the background.


Yes, I thought so too… thank you so much for confirming I’m not crazy about the K2 from the cable…I did that. even though I put the arrow there I never got past round 9… I should’ve placed the arrow lower down and on the cables on the right of the photo… because that’s the one that confuses me the most…

The pattern says “ Shift 2 sts colour B to left, case 2 (=sl2 colour B on cable needle to the front, P1 colour B, K1 from cable needle) ”… in between the two colour B cables are 3 colour A and nowhere does it mention them…I assume it means knit or purl that colour A st, then knit BOTH from the cable needle.

In the second part (after slipping the centre A st as the chart says) it says: “ Shift 2 sts colour B to right, case 2 (=sl1 colour B on cable needle to the back, K2 colour B, P1 from cable needle) ” But after following the first part and slipping a colour A st, the next two sts are not the colour B that are part of the cable - there is a colour A and a colour B so 2 Bs can’t be slipped to a cable needle…

Am i just reading this wrong?

thank you so much!cable

The first of the 3 color A sts in round 8 will be purled in color A. Later the third color A stitch will also be purled in A.
It could have read: *Shift 2 sts colour B to left, case 2 (=sl2 colour B on cable needle to the front, P1 the colour A stitch in color A, K2 from cable needle)
You can see in round 10 where the stitch from the cable needle is color A.

After this first cable cross, slip the next stitch (the stitch between the cables crosses) in color A. Then
Shift 2 sts colour B to right, case 2 (=sl1 colour A on cable needle to the back, K2 colour B, P1 the color A stitch from the cable needle in color A)

I’m not sure why the single sts are purled since by round 10 they are knit but that’s the way the pattern is written.


I have been doing plain stripes around the cables rather than the slip stitch pattern… I’m not sure why some are purled and later knit but I honestly thought the purling was even a typo at this point and was knitting them.

You said “P1 the colour A stitch in color A”, but the pattern is mosaic so colour A is not in use on that round. You said to slip colour A to the cable needle and that makes more sense because it says to slip B and the next stitch is not B it’s A (the third A from round 8)

I did see the shift but in all the cables I’ve done I’ve never been instructed to place two different colours on the holder before so I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to happen.

I really appreciate your help! :grinning:… I hope I can muddle through… I did try to contact the designer as well as the only other person who completed the project (and whose stripes I am copying) but no one responded.

Your changes make sense. You do tend to lose confidence in a pattern once you start noticing errors. It looks like you’re on the right track and keeping the cable placement correct.
I hope that the designer or the other project knitter get back to you. Keep us updated if you will. And of course, we’d love to see a photo when you finish!

Because there were typos now I’m not sure what it should be… ie. I followed what you said for round 9 with both cables… Round nine is colour B and on the first cable the entire needle is colour B except the single slipped stitch in the centre of the cable in colour A (which started as 3 colour A’s on the previous round) but on the second cable I now have the colour A in the centre but also a colour A on either side of the 2 colour Bs making up the cable… I would assume they should look the same… I think I might have to forgo this pattern… hopefully they respond…

You should have two color A sts either side of the B cables. The center stitch is also A.
See round 10 as a check on the colors.
These two sts (blue dots) should also be in color B (grey).

It may be one of those patterns where the first time through the cables is the most difficult. Once you see where the pattern is going, this may be easier to follow. It looks lovely so far.

That makes sense but it’s mosaic so I can’t purl (or knit) with colour A since I’m on a B round… unless it was supposed to be to slip A and not purl A? (which is what it was on the second cable further down)… you explained =sl2 colour B on cable needle to the front, P1 the colour A stitch in color A, K2 from cable needle)… but anything I knit or purl will turn into B colour… I may just be going crazy from staring at it so long - I’ve never had so many issues with such a simple pattern… if it IS supposed to be slip A then I just don’t know how it could be so wrong. Both the designer and other person who did the pattern are German… I wonder if it’s correct in the original and just translated incorrectly…

The only way to get the A on both sides is to put two B on the cable in front, slip A, knit 2 from the cable. then slip the centre A… then for the second half instead of purling I will slip again: =sl1 colour A on cable needle to the back, K2 colour B, slip the color A stitch from the cable

I did that and it appears correct now but same issue on the following rows where before the symbols there is a slipped A on either side of the cable but in the next cable it’s listed as a purl so I lose the A on either side of the cable… (But again, thank you SO much for taking all this time to help!) This better be the best-fitting sock I’ve ever made! :grin:

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It looks like you’re working your way through this. I’ll take another look and see if I have anything helpful to contribute. It may very well be that the translation is the problem.

I am starting to believe it’s not translation… because in place of a purl it should be a slip and there’s no English except to say the dot means purl. It all worked perfectly after slipping but as i said, the next set again makes no sense because it says to purl before the cable and I lose the colour on each side…I really wish I knew how the other person managed to do it and so nicely. I appreciate that but at this point please don’t feel the need to spend any more time on this… I’m just happy to have someone point out that I’m not crazy and it was incorrect… :grin:

Take care!

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I think that the back ground pattern is both a mosaic and a form of broken rib ( the slip rows alternate a slip stitch with a purl stitch). Hence, for some of the cable crosses, the pattern calls for you to purl a stitch when this crosses over to become part of the background pattern. If you change the pattern to single stripes, presumably you’re already knitting stitches that the chart says to purl? And if you’re not slipping stitches, you may not have the colour to hand that the pattern suggests you should have?
You could continue to wing it by knitting the background stripes, a central cable solid colour and crossing the cables as charted. Only you must be slipping the cables to have them in one colour, but if you’re not slipping the background pattern too, are your cables, shorter than the surrounding fabric?

Yes, I’m knitting all rows instead of purling anything. When I started I didn’t think switching would be an issue - I just wanted to copy the only person aside from the designer who had done the pattern and they did stripes.

The pattern calls for the cable sts. to be slipped on all rows where there is no cabling so I haven’t changed that… the only thing I had to slip that isn’t in the pattern is the second colour so that the cable has the second colour next to it. I’ve included how I originally altered one part of the chart for myself before realizing the difficulty.

I don’t know yet if my cables are shorter from slippingsince I only got to the very first part of it before the error. The cables on the striped one look the same as the original to me., I’m not sure how they did it or what they switched to accommodate (their only note - which I translated from German - said that all they used from the original pattern was the cable so they are obviously much more skilled than me in adapting the parts of the pattern while doing stripes.)

IMG_20211007_075159_medium2 Now that I realize switching the pattern isn’t as easy as I thought, even if the designer responded it wouldn’t help since my questions are about alterations. I DID finally get a response from the person who did the pattern and unfortunately the answer was that it was long ago and they can’t help… but thank you for all the help I’ve received on here :slight_smile: I either have to set this aside or try to find a cable I can easily incorporate if I can’t get this to work.

Not as neat as the other person’s - the set up bits look messy and the initial slip of the cable sts. looks stretched but otherwise it’s working and I don’t think the cables look shorter… not sure what happens at the next cable needle portion but thank you VERY much again for sorting out the mistakes for me!!!


Looking good! Maybe pull a bit more yarn through the cable stitches as you knit them. There may be enough stretch that the cables will even out.

Will try… Thanks!
Only thing is that the other person’s cables appear to pop out rope-like (even without the adjacent purls) and on mine one side does and the other is flat. I might frog and start again using the altered instructions now that I’m not questioning each one. I don’t think it’s exactly what the other person did but it’s as close as it will be.

Thanks again to both for the kind help!

Thanks again for all the help!! Unfortunately I’m taking it apart because it’s too loose but the start didn’t look good anyway and now I can redo with CORRECT instructions and better tension on the cables as a result.
Happy holidays!.IMG_4367a IMG_E4368a


Good luck with it! They are going to be very striking socks.