Cable help?

Hi everyone!
I am attempting my first cable project and need some help. This is the scarf I’m attempting to make. I’m having trouble interpreting the cable patten itself. It says “Slip 4 stitches onto CN & hold in back. Knit 2 stitches. Slip 2 purl stitches from CN to left needle and purl them. Knit 2 from CN.” I’m good up until the slipping of the purl stitches onto the left needle. Should I slip the two left stitches from the CN? Or should I slip the stitch farthest on the right first then follow with the second, twisting them? Or am I completely off base altogether?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

The basic pattern is k2, p2. When you slip the 4 sts on the cn, they will be in order, k2, p2. K2 from the needle, then slip the 2 p sts back onto the left needle and purl them. You should be able to figure it out when you get there.

Should I slip the two left stitches from the CN?
Yes, the stitches on the cable needle will be, first two knits and then the two purls, so you slip the two purls from the left end of the cable needle back onto the left needle and then purl them.

I’ve never done a cable that required that manuever, but the pattern is really nice. Not the easier first ever cable, but you should be able to do it once you get it figured out.

Thanks to you both. It all makes sense now! :happydance: