I’m knitting a baby sweater, in stocking stitch with a seed stitch trim. The trim along the front is supposed to have two vertical buttonholes near the top. I’ve stitched and ripped the buttonhole row and next row (rows 3 & 4) three times now, and can’t seem to manage to make the hole :??
Here’s how the pattern’s worded:
Knit 2 rows seed stitch.
Row 3 (buttonhole row), Patt 2 sts, YO, K2tog (or P2tog as appropriate). Patt 5 st, YO, K2tog (or P2tog as appropriate). Patt to end.
K another row in seed st, BO in patt.
If it matters, in orfer for the seed stitch to work, I’m starting row 3 with a knit stitch.
It just seems, that where it calls for me to YO, my yarn is already brought forward because I just completed a purl stitch. I’ve tried both leaving the yarn forward then k2tog, and moving the yarn back then k2tog… neither way leaves a buttonhole. Colour me confused