Built-in i cords

Okay. Let’s say I’m knitting a garter stitch scarf and I want to do a built-in icord.

I knit the width I want, then at the last 3 stitches, yarn forward, slip as to purl, turn and knit.
I knit the next row to the last 3 stitches, yarn forward, slip as to purl, turn and knit.

I am building a lovely i cord on two different “faces” of the scarf. In other words, there is no “right side” with two lovely i cord borders showing. Just two sides, each with one i cord border.

What do I do to make 2 built-in i cord borders on the same face of the scarf?

Thanks for any help. I am truly befuzzled here.


I’ve been doing this with a sweater. I purl all the way across on the ws, then I turn and slip the first 3 stitches and finish knitting the row. This way the stitches get knit every other round, and they always end up on the same side.

For garter, you’d have to designate a right and wrong side, and do the i-cord slipping on the right side.

I’m sorry – I don’t understand! Could you explain this to me again?
I appreciate your help!

Slip the first 3 stitches and work to the end of the row. Turn and slip the first 3 stitches and work to the end of the row.

I’m sorry if I made it sound more complicated.

Ingrid! I’m so sorry, but still I’m screwing up your very clear directions.
I begin row 1 by slipping 3 stitches. Knit to end of row. Turn to knit row 2. Slip those first 3 stitches on the beginning of row 2 and continue to end. Repeat ad infinitum. I’m getting no icord on either side now.
Is it where I’m holding the yarn? Am I supposed to still be slipping at the end of one of the rows?
Again, thanks in advance for your help and your patience!


Maybe it works more obviously in stockinette. Here is a picture of the edge of my sweater where I’m slipping the first 3 stitches.

For a true i-cord edge, you can pick up stitches when the scarf is done and knit an attached icord–knit 3, slide back; k2, ssk, slide back, k2, ssk, slide back forever. :teehee:

Ingrid! I get it! Finally!

Thank you so much –
