Hi everyone,
I’m currently knitting the Staran sweater by Alice Starmore. The issue that I have is that I need the body measurements of size 1 (up to the armhole bind off) but size 4 for the shoulder portion. I have broad shoulders - after the armhole bind off I would need 90 sts (40 cm across) to fit my shoulders but the pattern for size 1 decreases to 79 sts.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to deal with this? Do I start knitting size 1, then increase stitches over a few rows leading up to the armhole bind off and continue with size 4? I’m concerned that this might make the sweater too large in the bust area.
Or do I knit size 1 all the way through but not bind off as many stitches at the armhole and change the armscye curve and adjust the sleeve accordingly? This will result in very few bind offs and change the shape of the armscye quite a bit.
This is really stumping me so any suggestions or resources on how to do this would be much appreciated.