Bouncing Baby Set

I’m trying to find the Bouncing Baby Set from the book “Homespun, Handknit”. The last time I checked Amazon, the book, used, was going for $500.00!

My local library does not have the book. Is there any way to get the pattern?

Thanks for any help!

Try this site. Amazon also had used book prices for this around $30. You have to look to the right of the page. You can also ask about an interlibrary loan. If your library doesn’t have it, another one in the state might. They’ll send it to yours for you to check out. But it can be months until it arrives.

Just noticed Paradise is out of stock. Sheesh! It must be a popular book for being an out of print book from 1987. Is this book made of gold or something?

There are lots of patterns that are very similar. I’m sure we could find you something that would work.

I think that once a book is out of print it is legally OK to make a copy of a pattern and give it to someone else. If so, I can send you a copy from my book. If not, I hope you can find a cheaper copy somewhere.
Have you asked at your local library about inter-library loan? There may be a library out there somewhere who has it, which can send it to your library for you to check out.


The copyright is still valid even though the book is out of print. In fact, texts (patterns included) do not become public domain until they’re 70 or 75 years old (It used to be 75 years, but it may have changed since last I checked–still it’s a long span of time).

So please don’t copy this pattern and send it to anyone because you will be breaking copyright laws!

Copyright laws are slippery things and there’s no ‘safe’ answer, unfortunately. Most printed copyrights can be extended almost indefinitely… Look at Mickey Mouse, he should have been public domain a decade ago but Disney has been able to keep him in an iron cage, poor guy, for the majority of a century now. The inter-library loan is a good idea, that would be my solution.

At they have a paperback copy of “Homespun Handknit” for only $16.27!!!
There is also one currently on sale on Ebay for which the current bid is $13.00! You still have 4 days and 7 hours left before that closes.
hth, knitcindy