Bind off 6 stiches at beginning of next two rows with lace pattern

Hello there! I’m working on a sweater that involves a lace pattern. I’m now looking at instructions to: “bind off 6 stitches at the beginning of the next two rows.”

My question is, after binding off the 6 stitches, do I then continue the rest of the row as in the first row of the lace pattern? And same with binding off first 6 stitches of next row (i.e., then cotinue the rest of that row following the second row of the lace pattern)? Thanks in advance for sharing your expertise! 20220520_201221|674x1200

Would you be on row 1 of the lace pattern on the first bind off row? If so then that’s the pattern row you should work. You need to continue working the rows in order as you have been. For example: Say you have a 6 row repeat and have worked rows 1 and 2. You would do your bind off then continue with row 3. After the second set of bound off stitches you would work row 4.

As far as the current row goes, you want to make sure that the pattern established in the previous rows stays aligned. So as well as keeping to the row pattern that GG mentioned, you need to look at the stitch pattern (the eyelets decreases) across the row.

Many thanks to @GrumpyGramma and @salmonmac for the pro tips!


OMG I don’t want you think I’m a pro. I’m not. I leave being that good at knitting to those who are. I’m one of @salmonmac’s students!!! If I can offer real help I blame it on those who have helped me. That said, if I helped I’m glad and you’re most welcome.

And, GG you have returned the favor by teaching me. Many thanks!

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Based on my own experience of confusion about which bit of the row to follow…
In addition to the tips already given I’ll add that after casting off 6 stitches you will have 1 stitch already on the right needle (that is stitch 7), maths says the next stitch you work should be stitch 8 of your row.

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Good point! I struggled and struggled with that but over time it became so ingrained to count that stitch I forget about it being a problem back then.

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Many thanks!

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