Big phil knitting machine help

Our local knitting guild received a pig phil knitting machine for our charity work. Tons of yarn and not enough time to knit it up! We don’t have any members that are familiar with this machine and we can’t find directions anywhere. Does anyone know where I can find a set? We’d love to be able to knit up some more blankets.



I don’t know anything about knitting machines. But I did google it and found a few stores that carry it. Perhaps you can write one of the stores or Phildar to see if you can purchase the instruction booklet.

i have a copy if you’re still looking!

Hi there,
I just saw your post saying you have instructions for a big phil machine. I have one that was given to me without instructions. Do you still have them?


One of my many machines is a Big Phill, and I do have the instruction book for it. Give me some time, but I’ll scan it out and send it to you. Just email me @ $$$apollonia3$$$@gmail$$$.com (remove the $$'s - in there to prevent spammers from collecting my email addy). And I’ll send it directly to you. Also you may want to check Yahoo groups, it may already be scanned and someone has it up in their files section on the group site.

The manual is scanned now. It should be available at
http;// (in 6 parts, very large type)
However, the proxy servers have not picked it up yet.

If that fails, it is up in the files secttion of the Yahoo group Superbawhitefiles
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