I am very new at knitting but would like to contribute to a charity that needs 8”x8” knitted acrylic squares. Does anyone have a pattern I could follow? I have made grandma’s dishcloth pattern but thought there might be another.
Beginner 8”x8” knit pattern for charity
So kind of you to do this. There are many dishcloth and square patterns on Ravelry (search washcloths or dishcloths) and Knit Picks that may help. It’s a great way to experiment with stitch patterns and learn new techniques.
Elaine Fitzpatrick’s bib patterns on Ravelry may also be another source.
The site below had lots of free dish/face cloth patterns for free. They have some beautiful designs, I put them into baby sweaters!
I don’t know the actual size but it’s well worth a look.
Thank you so much!