I’m trying to make Barbie Doll pants. I don’t how to do this…!I can’t SEE HOW TO DO THIS HAVE TWO LEGS AND THEN SEW AND FINISH! Help me please
Barbie Doll knitted pants
So, you have the two legs cast off, now? I can try to help, if so - I think you have to fold the legs, one at a time, so that the row ends meet (right side out). Sew both leg seams, one at a time, up to the crotch, then sew the rest of the seam up to the waist line.
You can do it the other way and go from waist to crotch then sew the legs, but doing it the first way seems a bit easier!
I think like this where i have marked up the photo.
The 2 red lines are seamed together.
The 2 green lines are seamed together
The blue lines are seamed together (you will have knitted this part more than shown on the pic, up to the waistband)
If you leave the tails of the seaming not woven in initially you can use one to close up the gap at the crotch once the shape is together.
Mattress stitch might be a bit bulky on the inside so you might want to try a flat seam, it’s your choice.