This project was completed in Dec, apologies for coming back here only now ! Thanks for your help to realise this project ! As always, a small write up, which I pen down to read and relive the experience 
A kit (Sola Scarf) purchased during a holiday in Denmark in 2023, in a quaint little shop in Aeroskobing, on the island of Aero, pattern by Anne Ventzel, I came around to knitting it only now - in time for the Nepal trip we are undertaking in Feb. I thought it would be appropriate for the weather at the time and stylish too, together with a short top and trousers. The scarf is made by holding two yarns together, Cava by Garna (73% mohair, 27% silk( and Nobilis by Garns (100% fine lamb wool). This is my first attempt at knitting with two yarns held together and while I have always been nervous about this, I have found that it is not terrifying at all and actually great fun ! I can now attempt the sweater that my DIL wants me to knit, which also needs two yarns to be held together. This pattern has the I-cord bind off all through the edges, intelligently incorporated into the pattern. I didnt decipher that from the pattern, and as always @salmonmac and @ColoCro from the ever helpful knitting community helped out by pointing this out in a jiffy. This community of knitters is to be treasured, they are so helpful, inspiring and motivating. It gives me courage to try just about any knit !!
I love the colour of the scarf - I could have knitted this as a slightly longer one, especially as I have yarn left ! Me and the tight knitter version of me need a break from each other or……we need to come to an agreement to knit a bit looser !