Hey All,
I’ve only ever made one sweater and it was ages ago. My Best Friend is due in February and I wanted to give it another shot for her new baby girl.
The pattern is going great, I can’t find a link for it on the internet or I would post a picture of you all.
I’ve completed the back with no problems, I began work on the front and I’ve got past the pretty pattern part and I’m working my way up to the neck shaping. I’ve read ahead a bit and I’m afraid I just don’t understand the next step (Shape Neck). Hope you all can help. It’s knit in panels (front, back, sleeves) and it’s knit from the bottom up. It has a collar that will go all the way around like a bib or a clown collar, i’ll pick up the stitches for that later. I currently have 47 stitches on my needle and I’ve already decreased for armhole shaping so I’m going into the next step with those 47 stitches. Hope all that can help. Anyway, I’ll type out the next step :
NR(RS)- Patt 20 sts, turn on these stitches only ([COLOR=“Red”]this is the first and only mention of turning and I really don’t understand![/COLOR])
Dec 1 st at neck edge next 3 rows, then every other row 3 times-14 sts remain for shoulder.([COLOR=“Red”]I don’t understand!!)[/COLOR]Cont straight until front meas same as back to shoulder,end with a WS row ([COLOR=“Red”]I totally get this[/COLOR])
Cast off loosely ([COLOR=“Red”]I can do this too!)[/COLOR]
I only included the stitch counts and repeats that applied to my size but if it helps I can include the other sizes later.
I can tell that these instructions are fairly simple for someone who does this a lot. I’m really enjoying the pattern so I’m very hopeful someone can give me a hand so I can move along.
Thanks everyone!