Baby Booties Help

Working on a baby bootie pattern. I cannot figure out the cable portion. It appears to be missing 3 stitches. Do I just knit them? The pattern is like this:

1, 3, 5 rows – edge, K4, P2, K9, P2, K10, P1
2, 4, 6 rows – edge, K12, P9, K6, P1
In 7 row doing the cross of braid. The cross of braid will do in every 6 row – in 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43,
49 row, start the cross of braid to the left. The braid consists of 9 knit stitches:
7 row - edge, K4, P2, 3 stitches slip on the cable needle, put cable needle in front of work, K3, K3 from
the cable needle (picture 1), P2, K10, P1
Picture 1
3 stitches slip on the cable needle, put cable needle in front of work, K3, K3 from the cable needle

What I did on row 7 was for the “edge” I slipped 1 stitch, K4, P2, slipped 3 stitches onto cable needle, knit 3, knit 3 from cable needle (this is where I get confused because there are 3 knit stitches not accounted for, do I knit them? Did I do something wrong?) I knit 3 then P2, K10, P1.


Thank you,

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You’re correct, there are 3sts unaccounted for in the 9 stitch braid. When you hold the sts to the front on the cable needle, knit the next 3sts then knit the sts from the cable needle and finish the braid with knitting the last 3sts.
When you are to hold the sts to the back: first k3, then hold 3sts to the back, k3 then knit the sts off the cable needle.

What is the name of your pattern and designer?

Thank you! It’s a pattern I purchased on revelry. The pattern name is Booties_blue by Marina Potykalova Designs.

Maybe this one?

Please delete the second photo in your initial post. We can’t post large portions of a pattern on the forum due to designer copyright. The first photo is enough. You can use the pencil icon at the bottom of the post.

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Yes, that is the one! I will delete the photo.

I need some more hhelp. I have gotten to the foot of the bootie. I have 9 stitches on needle 1, 15 stitches on needle 2, 9 stitches on needle 3, and 15 stitches on needle 4. It says to pick up the 2 needles with 9 stitches and alternately place them on the needle for 18 stitches in total and then k2 together to end. When I try to do this it brings the toe of the boot and the heel of the boot together, which makes no sense. Any ideas? Thanks!

Ps. This pattern has been very challenging to interpret.

Challenging is putting it kindly. How long is the knitting on the 4 needles? I’m wondering if it’s long enough to connect the heel and toe, and at the same time have enough knit fabric to flatten and create a sole. I made lots of booties but I have to admit, this is a new one on me.
Does the pattern tell you what to do with the stitches now that they are joined heel and toe, and side to side?

Let me check. I will see if I can read the next portion. It was all going so well until this next part!

This is the next portion. I honestly haven’t even figured out how to add the stitches from the two needles with 9 stitches on them together. It doesn’t make sense, unless I am supposed to knit two at a time?

Or perhaps I am just supposed to knit 2 together all the way around. It doesn’t make much sense to me.

Here’s another photo. I tried knitting 2 together all of the way around and it made no sense to me either.

I get the putting the sts together alternately on one needle and then knitting 2 together. That’s like 3 needle bind off without the bind off. There’s an easier way to do that.
Knitting 2 together all the way around, then purling a row and repeating those two rows to essentially close up the sole is an alternative but let’s see if we can figure out where these directions are going.

Ok! Thank you! I will wait to finish off the sole until I hear from you. I’m SO close to figuring this out. My husband is asking why I want this pattern. I said because I like how it looks and I paid for it…granted only $1.50, but still!

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The best reason, you like challenges.
It’ll help if this doesn’t work to put a lifeline in now to save all your nice knitting.

OK, this is my best guess as to where the pattern is going:
The section on knitting the two 9-stitch needles together then knitting the two 15-stitch needles together has an odd repeat in it. I would skip over that entire section. Doesn’t make sense and the baby won’t like it either.

Skip to page 13 where the number 3 needle 9sts are knit across to the last stitch then purl that stitch together with the next stitch on the 15-stitch needle. Then turn and knit across 8sts knitting the last stitch together with the next stitch on the other 15-stitch needle.
Keep doing this until all the sts from the 15-stitch needles have been used up.

Now you should have 9sts on two needles. Work 3 needle bind off where one stitch from the number 3 needle is knit together with one stitch from needle 1 and so on according to this video. No need for k3 together it seems to me.

Don’t worry that the seam is on the outside. It’s neat and decorative.

I think you need to keep knitting that 9 sole stitches back and forth and knit together 9th and one from side needles together, turn. Keep knitting only that 9 stitches back and forth and knit together with one from side needles in every end of row. Once u get last side stitch decreased you will have only 9 stitches on sole needle and 9 stitches on heel needle, than do 3 needle bind off.

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Thanks everyone! That worked!


I find similar video for you.

Woo-hoo, very well done, hoeftam! The bootees look adorable and very neatly worked. You are a champion.
ZKOhio, thanks for the explanation and video.

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