Working on a baby bootie pattern. I cannot figure out the cable portion. It appears to be missing 3 stitches. Do I just knit them? The pattern is like this:
1, 3, 5 rows – edge, K4, P2, K9, P2, K10, P1
2, 4, 6 rows – edge, K12, P9, K6, P1
In 7 row doing the cross of braid. The cross of braid will do in every 6 row – in 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43,
49 row, start the cross of braid to the left. The braid consists of 9 knit stitches:
7 row - edge, K4, P2, 3 stitches slip on the cable needle, put cable needle in front of work, K3, K3 from
the cable needle (picture 1), P2, K10, P1
Picture 1
3 stitches slip on the cable needle, put cable needle in front of work, K3, K3 from the cable needle
What I did on row 7 was for the “edge” I slipped 1 stitch, K4, P2, slipped 3 stitches onto cable needle, knit 3, knit 3 from cable needle (this is where I get confused because there are 3 knit stitches not accounted for, do I knit them? Did I do something wrong?) I knit 3 then P2, K10, P1.
Thank you,