I am quite new at knitting and I had left my jumper (second knitting project after making a shawl) for a while as I did not know how to join the front and back properly. I have now finished to sew the shoulders on the front and back of the jumper (I believe using a slip stitch) but I am still unsure how to make a knot at the end.
Could you please give me some advice about how to proceed or recommend a video? Thank you for your help! Celine
Assembling back and front on a jumper
That sweater is stunning! Lovely color and knitting.
Here’s an easy way to fasten off that works very nicely (see ~0:45seconds)
The shoulders look like you’ve joined very neatly with the slip stitch. If your pattern has you bind off at the shoulders or place sts on hold, a 3 needle bind off is also a nice way to go.
It doesn’t look like you are new to knitting, this top is so neat!
When you seam you don’t need to tie a knit at the end if the yarn, just leave a tail to weave in later on. There are various videos on weaving in the ends if you need to see how it’s done.
Is it the side seaming you need help with?
I mostly use mattress stitch but there are other ways to seam up.
Some people pin the seams first. I prefer to put in little tacks of yarn in a different colour. I keep a box of old yarn to reuse for this. I tack the obvious places together, under arm, bottom cast on/off edge, any obvious shaping rows where I can see they should line up. Then I section, put a tack in half way, then quarter then every couple if inches. For me it just makes it easier. I go through with yarn in the same place a couple of times but don’t knot it so that is easily pulls out as I get to it with the seaming.
Good morning and thank you so very much for your lovely comments and answers.
On the side of the jumper I have used an edge stitch. I still need to sew both sides however I am not sure I should use the slip stitch all the way as the bottom of the jumper needs to roll.
Also as I still have to work around the neck, I thought it best maybe to sew the sides of the jumper later. What are your thoughts on this?
Thank you so very much for your help!
The edge stitch is a good idea in this case because of the intricate pattern stitch. If you like you might be able to use mattress stitch to seam between the edge stitch and the next stitch. A backstitch will also work and it’s sometimes easier to use.
You can then reverse the seam near the hem so that the bottom edge can roll and the seam is still hidden, this time inside the slight roll.
I agree about working the side seams last. It makes it easier to work on neckband and you can still block the sweater flat if you would like to. If there are sleeves, working the neckband before adding the sleeves means that you have less weight to contend with as you knit the collar.
It’s going to be a delight to finish this sweater and be able to wear it. Enjoy!
Thank you so very much for your help! I can’t wait to finish it now
I hope we see another robot when it’s finished. Looks great so far.
I started working on the neckline yesterday and today. It took me quite some time to figure it out as some holes started to appears when I picked up some of the stitches (where I had my decreases). Does it look ok from the picture I took? Thank you for your help!
That looks very nice, no holes and even pick up sts. It does take a bit of fiddling with where to pick up in order to avoid holes but your collar looks grand.
Thank you for looking much appreciated! Can’t wait to finish the jumper now!
Wow, looks so neat.
I have just noticed my last message said I hope to see another robot!?! I don’t know where that came from, it was supposed to say another photograph.
Oh dear, my auto incorrect gremlins again.
Lovely knitting.
Sometimes I snug up stitches to move a little extra yarn up the row, it can tighten up an area if needed. I don’t know if you’ve ever done this or heard of it, I find i find it useful.
Thank you for the advice it is very useful.
Don’t worry about the typo, it happens to me quite often too. Have a lovely evening
Gorgeous! The stitch pattern is intricate and lovely. The neckline is neat and a perfect complement. Well done.
This is so neat! Looks professional like a cat walk piece.
You must be very pleased.