Arne and Carlos Easiest Sock in the World pattern

Has anyone done this pattern with Magic Loop? I’m all thumbs wit DPNs. It went well except when knitting in the waste yarn at heel; I kept getting needles backwards. Also, when I knit stitches for heel, I may have picked up stitches wrong; had to correct direction on needle.
My first sock ever, I don’t love it. It’s loose, floppy, messy looking. Yarn doesn’t really pattern like pic; have read could be counterfeit?
I also went up a needle size as I usually knit tight. Discovered I didn’t really have to as you knit to size of your foot, not gauge.
I tried Very Stretchy Binding; easy enough, stretchy but looks messy.
Not excited to knit 2nd one! :grimacing:
What could I have done differently?
Thank you!

Maybe this one?

Certainly going down a needle size will help with the looseness. You might try the second sock with a smaller size needle just to see how it goes. More for the information and practice rather than as the second sock. If it looks better and less messy you’ll know that the pattern will work in your hands with Magic Loop. Then you can confidently go on to different yarn or pull out the first sock and reknit it.

Which stretchy bind off did you use? I know this one is unconventional but it’s a lovely, stretchy bind off that looks very neat.

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Thank you, will try it.

Can you post a photo? What gauge did you end up with? If your gauge is somewhat different from the recommended gauge of the yarn, this could make the patterning look different.

Don’t be too hard on yourself with your first sock. They pack a lot of techniques, needle gymnastics and spatial reasoning into a small item.



Here is the sock before the heel; it goes where the waste yarn is. There is no recommended gauge, you knit until it is the width of your foot then the length of your foot.

I went up a needle size as I usually knit tight, but I don’t think I should have.

I’m going to try again with their recommended needle size.

You are right about socks! Tricky, but I’m looking forward to mastering them.

Thank you for response.


Gosh, I was expecting disaster. It looks very nice. It may not be what you’d like for a sock but your knitting looks lovely. The smaller needle size will tighten it up and make a sturdier sock but you’ve learned a lot in the process.
I usually need to drop down a needle size or two but then when I least expect it I find a pattern where the recommended needle works perfectly for me.

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I think it looks very nice too! The recommended gauge should be on the ball band. I looked at some Arne & Carlos sock wool from my cupboard and it says 30 sts per 10cm (4 in.).

You don’t have to match that exactly, just get close.

Another thing to remember is that when you block your sock, the knitted fabric will become more even.

Blocking refers to the first time you wash a knitted item, before wearing it. I like to put my socks in lukewarm water with a drop of liquid wool wash for 5–10 mins, then gently squeeze them out and blot the excess water on a towel. Then I lay them out on another towel and pat them into shape to dry.

You may know all this already.

Again, they look great!


! Your sock looks great! Did you knit toe-up or cuff-down? I really like toe-up and gives great advice on getting the right fit. I can’t find the details, so it may have been in a class I took. Here’s a picture of when to stop increasing when making toe-up socks. If you’re set on an afterthought heel, you can just use this info for sizing and revert to your pattern once you get past the toe.

Also, see

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Good looking sock!

Thank you! I didn’t think about checking gauge against the yarn label. It was spot on when I tried again on smaller needles, I’m much happier!