Argyle pattern

Hi everyone, I’ve started knitting an Argyle cardigan, pattern 1186 Sunbeam pure new wool dk.
How do I make the diamonds less bulky, I’m carrying the main colour across the back by twisting in every few stitches, the result being a rather bulky look, nothing like the smooth one in the picture, also when I come to knit in the new colour I have a gap! Help!

It’s better for argyle blocks to use the intarsia technique rather than carrying the yarn across a sizable block. It requires separate balls of yarn for each block and for any main color between the blocks. You twist the yarns at the places where the colors change in order to avoid holes.
Here’s one video but there are many online.

Thankyou once again for your help, I should have realized that carrying the yarn would be unsatisfactory. I have done a little intarsia before why I didn’t think of it I don’t know!!! The video is a great help, thankyou.

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