apologies to everyone!!!!

Hey everyone,

It’s Soheila. I want to apologize for not attending the Zoom meetings. I desperately wanted to. It’s just the exhaustion that my fatigue, depression, anxiety, and burnout are causing. My body is very tiring , and I also have to take a lot of medication, which makes my body sore and very uncomfortable. I am trying my hardest to keep in contact with you guys, but sometimes I am so exhausted from everything that I can’t. Even taking a shower is something that is hard when it shouldn’t be.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has rooted for me. Sending my deepest love to everyone.

Soheila :heart:

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I’m not part of the zoom group but just wanted to stop by to say sorry to hear you aren’t feeling so great. Be kind to yourself and take it easy.