Anchor contrasting yarn at end of row


I’m wanting to try these checkerboard slippers I get the idea that it is very important to anchor your contrasting color at each end of each row. How do I do it?

Those are great slippers, GG! I’d think that you could knit the tail in for a couple of stitches, or pull the tails tight and weave them in as you go.

Did your incredibly fertile mind come up with something else since when you posted and now?

:roflhard: My “incredibly fertile mind” :roflhard: finally realized I could search for “checkerboard slippers” on youtube. Oddly enough, every time I tried to google for the solution, I kept coming back to the pattern in any of it’s many incarnations or right back here! :muah: Thanks for the response, :thumbsup: it wasn’t until just now I actually thought of where to look. duh. :zombie: :shrug:

I think with the video to get me going, I should be able to do it now. It’s much like changing colors in Tunisian crochet and I’ve done that, just not at the end of the row when it has to be carried behind. I’m feeling a bit embarrassed that I didn’t figure it out sooner, but I’ll get over it. :aww:

Thanks for sharing the link, GG. At least you figured it out! :yay: Speaking of embarrassed I equated “anchor” with knitting in new yarn, and forgot all about twisting in color work. :doh: Probably on purpose, after the twisting two colors on a baby sweater I just completed, made me twist my hair out. LOL

Can’t wait to see your slippers!

I’m wondering how people who use lots of colors of yarn don’t end up bald!

jpc, thanks for input and comments. Did you find the link useful? Honestly, I thought someone else might like to check the link but I also knew that I could find it again if I lost it but had posted it here. :aww: I’ve gotten started, think I’m doing it right. the fabric is thick and cushy, I’m just wondering about the yarn on the back bugging me when I wear the slippers, but otherwise they should be soft and warm. Guess I’ll have to finish one just to find out.

Yes, I think that carrying the non-working color across the final 6 sts is the way to anchor it. Are you also catching that yarn as you carry it across? Once over the 6sts should do it and then there won’t be long loops to snag an unwary toe.

Absolutely the link was useful, GG! I haven’t seen slippers like these since I was a wee tot, and will probably work up a pair for DH in his favorite team colors after I get further along with the vintage baby set.

I’ve tried to catch the yarn before, and just couldn’t get the hang of it, so DH’s toes will have to risk toe-cide by hanging on yarn floats. What a way to go…:wink:

I’ve tried to catch the yarn before, and just couldn’t get the hang of it, so DH’s toes will have to risk toe-cide by hanging on yarn floats. What a way to go…

I’ve got one slipper done. I thought the yarn on the inside would feel really weird, but it’s not bad. I usually have socks on too anyhow. The pattern really does make the fabric cushy.

It’s not that difficult to anchor the yarn. Just make sure it goes over the color you’re using before you start knitting the new row. It’s pretty easy to see in the video. I’ve been keeping one ball of yarn in my lap so I can undo the tangles as I go along. It’s easier that way for me, I’ve not thrown it across the room yet. When you’re ready to try it, I’ll be rooting for you. :cheering: I figure if I can do it, anyone can do it.

Next time I’m going to make striped ones. Then maybe I’ll get really brave and look at Fair Isle knitting. My hair is thinning on its own, this will probably speed up the process.

Do you have a link for the baby set? I’d love to know what it’s like.

Are you also catching that yarn as you carry it across?
– yes, I twist it every time I switch colors. I’ve done different colors in Tunisian crochet and this is quite similar, maybe the same even, it was the ends of I couldn’t quite figure out how to deal with.

Doing this pattern is great practice for Fair Isle knitting. It’s the same idea as far as crossing the new and old yarns goes.

I love good news, GG. :woot: Skooshy warm slippers are yummy!

Do you have a link for the baby set? I’d love to know what it’s like.

Unfortunately no. It’s a pattern I’ve been searching for but this is the pic…

jpc, this looks quite similar to the sweater. I bet you’ve already checked it out. Still I thought I’d give it a try for you.

It is quite similar, and I hadn’t checked it out until now.:oops:

Long story made short, I was haitch-ee- doublehockeysticks bent on finding the pattern used to make one of my mom’s baby sweaters.

Now I have umpteen bagillion vintage baby pattern books that I have no clue what to do with, BUT I finally have the pattern, and plenty of lace weight yarn with which to knit the full set. LOL

DH is convinced I’ve gone crazy. Maybe next time I’ll wise up and check Ravelry first. :roflhard:

Oh, cool, I thought you were looking for a pattern. I’m glad you have the one you want. Finding what you are looking for is rewarding.