Alternative ways to finish a v-neck neckband?

I am knitting Purl Soho’s Daily Pullover. I’m almost done with the second sleeve and thus soon need to finish the neckband.

The design has a ribbed neckband, maybe about an inch or two long. After looking at finished projects, I’m starting to think that I don’t love how the sweater sits on folks once the neckband is added. It looks like the center of the neckline sits too high on their chest, like the neckband is too tall (for my liking, I like the deep V).

I’m curious about what my options are for finishing the neckband. I guess one option is to shorten the neckband. Or I could forego the ribbed neckband all together - in that vein, if I wanted a super simple finish like in the cumulus blouse or the Velen, could I just do a simple row of purls and then bind off? Its a provisional cast-on pattern, so I do need to bind off those at the very least.


Yes, it’s your sweater. You decide how you want it to look.
It’s looking fabulous on you so far and the deep neckline really sits well on you.
Good luck


I also prefer the deeper but more simple v of the tops you linked, they look lovely.

You can bind off the stitches any way you like. You don’t even have to out a purl row before the bind off, you can join in the yarn on the first stitch and bind off immediately if you wanted.
Add yarn, k2 pass first stitch over, k1, pass first stitch over etc.

There are lots of different bands offs you might want to browse online and maybe make some swatches to see how they look and feel before making a final decision.
One of my fav bind offs is the Icelandic bind off it is so pretty and I have replaced a regular bind off with this on a few pieces.
Also bare in mind you want a reasonably loose or stretchy bind off so the v does not pull together and sits drapes in a relaxed way.

My first sweaters I bound off with a larger needle, just a regular knit bind off, and the tension and gauge was just right with the larger needle to give a nice even bind off with plenty of stretch.

Lovely sweater - please share when you finish so we can see what you decided,


I see what you mean. It looks beautiful right now and you can do anything you want with the neckline. I’d just try some kind of short picot. If you don’t like it you can always pull it out again and do something else. ( Although doing that kind of thing makes me crazy :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy: ) But your sweater is too beautiful not to get it just right.

Just a thought, if you go with a narrower neckband, are you comfortable with the width of the neck opening at the side neck level? Just a design question. If I had your chest I might like a deeper V too. But alas’ I’m pretty happy for more coverage. But you go girl!

Finished with an Icelandic bind-off in size 4 needles. Next time I’ll pick up more stitches at the neckline than the pattern calls for.


Perfect. It looks fabulous and you used my fav bind off too.

I love the deep V neck line and it fits and sits perfectly.

I see on ravelry you noted you changed the length of this pattern. Did you alter the shaping at all? The original pattern appears quite boxy and much wider in the waist (looking at other photos of this pattern) whereas yours is very slim fitting. Just wondering if you put some additional shaping in as I prefer yours.

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Much cleaner looking design and bind off. Enjoy every minute of wearing this sweater. You look fantastic in it!

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Thank you for all the kind words everyone! I love being part of this community.

I did the lower back shaping much higher than the pattern calls for (because the pattern is for a quite cropped length). I also always go for a size with less positive ease than the pattern intends, because I don’t love loose boxy shapes.

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You’ve shaped it well. I need to learn how to do this!
I have not made that many things but go usually for the smallest size, panic that it isn’t going to fit especially on the chest and then it ends up too big and I don’t wear it.
I think some of my tops are growing too.

I made a second one* in a smaller size. I picked up all the stitches (which is much more than the pattern tells you to) and did fewer rounds of ribbing on needles one size smaller than the pattern tells you to. The neckline is lower than the original design like I wanted so I am happy with it.

*link is to my instgram post

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That’s perfectly lovely. You have a feel for the spacing of picked up sts and it’s worth going with that. I almost never pick up the number of sts given in the pattern and I don’t adjust to the pattern number in subsequent rows.
Thanks so much for the link to your photo. Enjoy wearing the sweater!

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