All in One (top down) Dress

I was thinking of making this dress, but there are no instructions for a larger size. However, there are instructions for the top part for a sweater- but honestly, I don’t know how to modify it to make it the bigger size. On the other hand, I may make it in the small size, but I have a question about that too… I would like to make it on circular needles, so at what point would I change to a circular needle? (sorry if I am not being clear, I just want to know at what point, or where I would join in the round). If you have any instruction ideas on how to make the top part bigger to a 6-9 month size, it would be appreciated too!

Marianna Mel’s patterns are so sweet, and lovely to follow and knit. You could knit this in a worsted weight and add a bit to the length of the skirt. If you use the recommended DK you could add an extra round of the eyelet pattern and following rows at the yoke. Just align the yarn overs with the earlier rows.
The back yoke should stay open for the button band but the skirt can certainly be knit in the round, say after row 31.


Thanks for the info! Just one more thing… which I am sure is totally elementary, but my brain can’t figure this out- I understand that in the round the other side is purled, but then after row 34, it says k 7 rows…then the following row, I purl on the knit side- is that correct?

If you’re knitting in the round, all the rows will be knit rows from row 32 until the dress measures
11.5" from the cast on or your desired length. Instead of knitting the next 7 rows, alternate knit and purl rounds.
For the eyelet section, knit one round, work the yarn over round as given, then knit one round. Instead of knitting the last 5 rows, alternate knit and purl rounds then cast off.

Thanks so much for clearing that up for me!

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I am on row 15 and it is a button hole row. However, my last button hole is on the opposite end! What did I do wrong? I am on straight needles right now.- A frogging I will go, I just realized that row 4 and 5 are knit, I only knit one row-which puts this off!

It’s a good pick up. As long as the buttonholes are all on the same edge, beginning or end of row, it’ll work.

It seems you’ve already started, but for future reference, you could have done the whole thing on circulars, rather than starting on straights and changing. It’s perfectly possible to knit back and forth on circulars. I don’t even own any straight needles.