Afterthought heel, how to avoid and fix the gap?

The pattern is Red Heart Slouchy Socks Red Heart Slouchy Socks | Yarnspirations

The first attempt, and yes, the sock is too big. The bigger question is, I had two large holes on both sides of the sock when I picked up the stitches. I browse youtube and found this video about how to avoid the gap.

Do you have any preferred ways to prevent holes when picking up the stitches?

And more importantly, how can I fix the hole? Thank you so much.

This video isn’t about sock heels but the method of closing the holes works on any holes in of this sort in knitting. Close those holes @2:38.

For future socks you might wish to consider the knit to fit method. It’s what I use and it works well. I have a strong personal aversion to knitting socks that don’t fit.


I was looking around for more help and found this which you may or may not find useful.


That video from Chilly Dog has the technique I’m thinking of, where you pick up an extra stitch either side ot the ends. The extra stitch is picked up right where a hole would form on either side of the heel. See about 11:30min.

Very nice video, GG!


Thanks. I’ve used this method before and found it effective. Afterthought and short row heels aren’t something I do often so didn’t have anything in particular in mind when I went looking. I do gusseted heels almost exclusively.