Advise on how to wind mini skeins of yarn by hand

Can someone recommend how to wind mini skeins by hand? I have many mini skeins and wanted to just sit and wind by hand while watching TV. I have all the other equipment needed to do this but because I have so many I wondered if perhaps there was an easy way.
Thank you!

How nice to have a variety of mini skeins and what fun to use them in projects.
I usually pull directly from the skein rather than wind them. Or are these hanks which do require winding?

Thank you for your reply. They come in the braided form. I’m not sure what that is called, but I believe they do have to be wound.

Likely hanks so they will need to be wound into a cake or ball. I do mine by hand just making sure the yarn balls aren’t too tight.

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Here is a site that has pictures.

Sample of images from the site:


Thank you so much. I have gone with your suggestion to just wind by hand!

Thank you so much for this. I’m going over there now!