I used to knit many, many years ago and my mother was my main knit resource. She has passed away and I do not know who to ask simple questions. At this time, I am trying to do a simple garter stitch, but apparently I am losing a stitch each row. What am I doing wrong?? I’ve been watching videos to refresh me and one site recommends carrying the last knitted stitch on the last row to the left needle to begin the new row. Is this why I am decreasing stitches??
Accidentally losing stitches
You are knitting two stitches into one, try to make sure you are lifting one stitch at a time, not two one the last one!!!
Good luck,
Take a look at each stitch along the last row and see if you can tell what’s happening. You may be knitting two together or you may be dropping sts. Also count your current stitches and slowly knit another row. See it you’ve lost another stitch on this new row.
Slipping the first or the last stitch of a row shouldn’t cause a decrease. It just makes the edge neater and less bumpy.
one site recommends carrying the last knitted stitch on the last row to the left needle to begin the new row
That sounds like slipping the last stitch instead of the first one to make a new edge, but it should cause you to lose stitches. Stop knitting with one st left, move the st to the R needle, turn and begin the new row, making sure to knit or purl the first st which was the one you slipped.