stay inside and knit!! This is my backyard!!
A wonderful reason to
Beautiful! And dang you have a big back yard!! :shock:
It’s 5 acres and it should get another 4-8" of snow dumped on it again tomorrow.
:shock: Wow! I wish it would snow that much here! The other day we got three inches but it melted within a day or two
:shock: Our whole lot is about 1/6th of an acre! :shock:
Oh yes, fun. I got to drive 25mph down the highway for almost an hour yesterday. Usually I don’t mind though since I don’t really go anywhere. One great reason for homeschooling kids.
Ours was too when we lived in CA.
I’m homeschooled. My mom doesn’t like it that much because we are always on the run to one place or another!
The house we lived in before this one was a 4 acre lot. Talk about mowing that… took about 3 hours one riding mower… probably longer through walking that’s one thing about large lots of land… they take forever to mow :rofling:
Well, as you can see we don’t have much to mow. It is mostly trees. We even had 7 deer in the yard by the house last week. When I say homeschool I mean home school. We don’t go alot of places although my son does have a computer class. It leaves more time for knitting. I stand in the kitchen at our island knitting while I help dd with her school work. That way I don’t mind if she takes an hour to write out her spelling list. And I can say I am busy helping her when I am really knitting. Ok, I help her some. :angelgrin:
Oh that is gorgeous!!! I love the first big snow when it’s all stuck to the trees. By January, I’m over it and ready for spring.
[size=6]contented sigh[/size]
Yeah I’ll see if I can get a pic here… but they have delayed school… I think about 4 inches fell last night…
That’s really pretty! Makes me want to put on boots and take a long walk!
its snowing here right ow mut i doubt it sticks.
brightspot… homeschooling would not work for me. school is a break from the kid!!! :happydance: if i could put all of them in school they would be gone!!! my second child is going in July YAY
Sadly, we only get hurricanes that interupt our homeschooling What a beautiful scene and it makes it cozier to curl up with yarn. We are having some cool days, but winter won’t be here for at least a few more weeks. I miss real winters.
Oh I love it!!! I’m from Africa so I haven’t seen a whole lot of snow. Now in Oklahoma we don’t get so much but I love it!!! Your yard looks so pretty.
I can relate to that. My homeschool friends and I tease that sometimes we feel like we are car schooling in stead of homeschooling! Drive to co-op. Drive to speech therapy…Drive to dance class…drive for music lessons…
Aw, I love that winter scene! How nice it must be to see that out your back door every day!
It is the perfect day to stay home and knit…
Love the pictures… I don’t really like snow that much, but I do think it looks great on pictures :lol:
It snowed here the other day too, but most of it rained away today though… I took pictures from outside my house, they can be seen on my blog for anyone who is interested
Thank you everyone. My poor grandma moved here last week and says that she is already tired of winter wonderland