Hello, I’d like to know if anyone has the knitting book ‘A stitch in Time volume 2’ and is willing to share the pattern, ‘Trimmed, with Roses’ Jumper, with me? I want to make it for a birthday, and I can’t find it to purchase.
A Stitch in Time Volume 2
It’s a paid for pdf download
They also have the matching cardigan as a separate paid for pdf download
Someone is very lucky to get this eye catching sweater made for them!
I bought this but apparently, it was a website error. It isn’t available, I was refunded but I’m still looking now.
Have you tried the Etsy pattern?
Yes, I bought it, but it only had one size and the colour scheme is different
The single size is typical of many vintage patterns. You could of course alter the yarn color as you wish but it may not be easy to change the size. Knitting it in a heavier weight will change the delicate appearance of the roses I’m afraid.
@yarnthief Have you tried the recent project knitters on the Ravelry page? (click Projects on the right of the page)
Well that’s a bit annoying isn’t it. They still have it on the website as available and have not removed it.
There are contact details on the website have you tried asking where the pattern can be purchased?
The ravelry page also says there is a pdf version of the book for £20 but I couldn’t see how or where.
There is a fan group for this designer on ravelry have you tried joining this to ask if the pattern can be bought alone?
Or try your library, see if they can order the book in?
I tried ravelry, and i’m not sure about the library
What a fabulous period pattern.
The model needs finger waving for her hairdo!
Your local library should be able to source it for you. It might need to be an interlibrary loan, which sometimes has a small fee.
Knitting guilds often have libraries too.
Sorry to hear about the disappointing experience you had trying to buy a PDF copy.
(Publications in the public domain can be freely copied and shared. This book is still in copyright. Depending on the country, copyright applies for something like 50 years after publication. This applies regardless of whether the publication is out of print or no longer for sale as a PDF. I used to work in a university publications dept so we had to learn all about it )