3x a Charm - My Favorite Things Knitwear

I’m confused about the instructions on this pattern. I knitted the back three times. After looking at pics on Ravalery, I finally got it right. Right Front picked up sts along the right shoulder. RS Knitted to 9th row.
4th Option: work 1st-18 row 5x. I knitted 1st and 2nd row.
Here’s where the confusion comes - 3rd row: 16th repeat 1-2 row.
17th row inc. 14th-18th row brioche p1 to end of row.
pics attachedIMG_1701 IMG_1702 IMG_1705 ![IMG_1704|240x320]image0

Please help decipher this pattern. Thank you.IMG_1704

Which cardigan pattern from My Favorite Things Knitwear are you using?

The resolution on the photos isn’t clear enough to easily read. If you retake just the 5th photo or just the relevant portion under better light or higher res we may be able to help. Don’t post other portions of the pattern please due to designer copyright.

In the photo of the sweater back are we viewing the outside or public side of the sweater? It looks like the picked up sts are on the left shoulder.

The pattern is: Viveka Cardigan

I’ve attached a pic with instructions for the right front.

Please let me know if this pic is less blurry.

I appreciate your patience and support.


Much better, thanks.
You’re working the 4th size, is that correct?

This section is giving you rows 1-18 which will be repeated 5 times.
Row 1 (RS) work as given in the pattern.
Row 2 (WS) work as given in the pattern
Row 3-16 repeat rows 1 and 2. That means row 3 is a repeat of row 1, row 4 is a repeat of row 2, row 5 is a repeat of row 1, row 6 is a repeat of row 2 and so on.
Row 17 work as given
Row 18 work as given

Then you’ll repeat the sequence of rows 1-18 for 4 more times.

I’m not sure that that’s your question but if not just let us know.

Yes. I chose the 4 size. I stopped knitting on the 9th RS row of the right front. Is this where I should begin my first increase and continue increasing every 9th row. Rows 1-18 repeating rows as given?
You’ve been very helpful.

The pattern wants you to increase every 9th RS row. So that would be every 18th row overall.

Knowing the stitch count before you start these rows you can see if that makes sense with the final stitch count of 43sts.

Having a second pair of eyes helps unravel the complexity of the pattern. I will put into practice tomorrow. I cannot wait to see the finished product.
Many thanks. If all goes as planned I will post finished cardigan on ravelry. And, also send pics to you to mark my progress.

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Looking forward to seeing the cardigan. Have fun knitting and if another question comes up, come back here and ask

Happy New Year!
I just completed my cardigan. I couldn’t have done it without your help.

I’ve included pics.image0.jpegimage1.jpegimage2.jpegimage3.jpeg


Perfection! Very fashionable and absolutely beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful!

Congratulations good job :+1: it is fantastic :blush:

Very nice. I love the detail across the back shoulder to the arm. Your persistence certainly paid off, it was well worth all that work and looks great.