3 needle bind off in the round

I have googled, and cannot find how to do the 3 needle bind off in the round đŸ„č. I understand the technique itself, but not in the round. I have finished my project, the HALLOWIG, but mine does not look right :thinking:, it is quite “pointy” :sob:

According to the pattern, the sts are divided in half and a conventional 3-needle bind off is worked.
“Remove st marker, k1, sl1, transfer the first half of the work (between center front and center back) to one DPN or circular needle, removing st markers, transfer the second half of the work to a second needle, cut yarn, leaving a 2-foot length for use in binding off.”
You’ll be working the bind off from one end of the needles (either 2 dpns or 2 circulars) to the other in a straight line. No need to work in the round.

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I typed out a response last night and it didn’t post. I’ll just suggest that a Russian graft might serve in lieu of a 3 ndl bo. samlmonmac confirmed my reading of the pattern that the bo isn’t done in the round.

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I used the 3 needle bind off. Here is a picture of my hallowig
 I have a point at both endsđŸ«€!
I am not sure that the Russian bind off would fix this.


This is what happens when I use the directions in the pattern. The Russian method seems to leave more of a border in the join

Jean :raising_hand_woman:

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It really will be a happy Halloween in a great wig!

I don’t know that the Russian bind off would work on this pattern
this is what I got using the 3 needle bind off. It is quite pointy đŸ«€image0.jpeg

Jean :raising_hand_woman:

I saw your photo earlier and don’t have a clue as to how to fix the pointiness. At least it should be good for Halloween fun. And the Russian graft was just an idea, not saying you should use it or that it would work here.

That’s a fun wig!
The front and back pointy sections - I wonder if there are too many rows there? Maybe there should be some shaping earlier on to reduce these? I don’t really know, this looks to be quite a complex shape to fit the head.

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I made another, and after reducing the stitches to 4 to shape the bangs, I treated it like a hat, and like it much better. I have another to do, so will play around with it, and write out my changes as I go!image0.jpeg

Jean :raising_hand_woman:


I sure appreciate your taking the time to help me with my problem. That’s what I like about knitters, everyone jumps in to help. I decided to treat this like a regular hat once the bangs were formed, and this is what I came up with image0.jpeg

Jean :raising_hand_woman:

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That looks great and certainly not pointy.
I admire your ability to treat it as a hat and know where to make the changes to achieve the look you want.

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That worked out perfectly! Have fun wearing it.

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Excellent. If you do a project page on Ravelry with notes about your mods, maybe I can make one. Please, pretty please with a cherry on top. Jeeze, that’s such a last century thing to say. I won’t tell you how old I am. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll admit to being born mid-twentieth century.

This is where I learned to knit things, not just make knits and purls.

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also mid twentieth
1950, to be precise
my, how time flies :dash:

Jean :raising_hand_woman:

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To the 50’s club :raising_hand_woman:

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Hmm, not sure if I will ever get around to doing a project page.
I just followed the instructions as per the pattern, until the 3 needle bind off. Then I found I had 66 stitches, decided to treat it like a hat. I decreased eleven times on every row, knitting the knits and purlins the purls. On the decrease, if there was a purl stitch, I purled. The result was the picture in pink.
Cannot figure out why I was getting pointed hallowigs with the 3 needle bind off. I made 3 of them, so may take them apart to the beginning of the bind off
we shall see.

Hope this helps. It is a relatively quick project :older_woman:

Jean :raising_hand_woman:

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Treating it like a beanie seems to have worked very nicely. I wonder if the 3-needle bind off was just too tight. Maybe going up a needle size or two would help? Just a thought.

but I have a couple of orders for newborn hats, so I will make a few of those for my market table. Then the Christmas Craft Fair
just ongoing :crazy_face:Where did this year go :dash::dash:

Jean :raising_hand_woman:

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