2x2 italian bind-off

I am knitting the caramel sweater by petite knit. The ribbing is knit in 2x2 and the bind off technique suggested is Italian bind off.

I was following the instructions, " Italian Tubular Bind Off for 2×2 Rib", from this website. However, I’m perplexed because the first set up row involves turning the 2x2 rib into 1x1 rib and knitting the knit stiches and slipping the purl stitches. The second row is also just knitting the knit stitches and slipping the purl stitches - shouldn’t the second row slip the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches?

On an even number of sts, when you turn your work the last purl stitch of row 1 appears as a knit stitch on row 2. It will then be knit on row 2.
It’s true of all the slipped purls from row 1. They will appear as knits on row 2 and will be knit.

I have this sweater on my favorites in Ravelry. A classic with nice new shaping.

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Oh shoot I used the wrong language here - it’s the second round, not row. So then I should be slipping the knits and purling the purls, right?

Yes, if you’re working this in the round, slip the knits and purl the purls in round 2. That way over the 2 rounds each of the sts will have been worked. You’ve got it!

I use this bind off whenever I can. It’s just so neat.