2 year olds bulky knit cardigan

Hi, trying to find a pattern for a bulky knit cardigan on 2 needles for a 2 year old. All seem to be for thinner yarn. Can anyone help me please? J

Have you tried an advanced search on Ravelry?
There are pages of patterns to look through including these.

What sort of gauge/tension are you looking for? Or needle size?
These are both knit flat but very different “bulky” yarn one on 5mm one on 9mm needles.

These are on 6.5mm, free and it looks like they are all knit flat. They look gender neutral to me, you could switch the side of the button holes if you wanted a boy fastening. Hope this helps.

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This Fairytale cardigan is exactly what I am looking for - many many thanks. Cannot wait to get those needles clicking. Seasonal Greetings. Regards JX

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Enjoy knitting it.
Seasons greetings to you too Jean!