2/2 RC (2 over 2 right cross)?

What does this abbreviation mean???

2/2 RC (2 over 2 right cross) Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold in back, k2, then k2 from cable needle.

That’s how you do a cable. Just do what it says. After a rows of crossing you’ll see it.

Okay, so what they want is put 2 on a cable needle, then stitch 2 from left needle, then stitch the 2 off of the cable needle?

I have done cable where it said C2b… but not “cross” Is the cross part something special??

2/2RC is just a different way to designate a cable. Maybe because a certain company consistently uses one abbreviation in its patterns or the designer prefers one over the other.

It’s the same thing, they used different wording for it.