Hi - new here - I am making the men’s zip-up vest in Joelle Hoverson’s more last-minute knitted gifts. Has anyone made this? For shaping armhole, the directions say “work even until armhole measures 6.5 in ending with a RS row.” The next section is Shape Neck, and starts with "Row 1(RS). Knit to last 6 sts, k2tog, work to end. " How do I end with RS and start with RS? Is the armhole direction incorrect - should I end with a WS row?
Thank you!
Zip-up vest, Joelle Hoverson
It sounds like you’re working on the left front (left as you would wear the vest). Then yes, the pattern should say “…ending with a WS row” meaning end having completed a WS row. The next row is the RS row where you work to the end of row which is the neck edge.
Yes, left front. Thank you so much! WS makes sense to me. I was going crazy trying to figure it out !!!
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