Good morning. I’ve made a mistake in my Icelandic yoke. Any suggestions? I feel that I need to rip out nearly two rows. Ouch!
yoke pattern not matching
Welcome to KH!
What is the name of your pattern and designer?
What kind of mistake?
It’s a Reynolds’s Lopo pattern number one. I was an avid knitter years ago. I’ve just recently resumed knitting as we have Icelandic sheep and we have processed their wool. I had some yarn that I’m practicing with before I use our wool. I have 203 stitches on my circular needles. There are 14 stitches in repeat but when I divide 203 by 14 I come up with 14.5. What do you think? I’m afraid to proceed as I just removed two rows stitch by stitch. Thanks for reaching out.
That’s impressive to have Icelandic sheep and be able to process their wool
Maybe this pattern?
Is your pattern a pullover or is it possibly a cardigan?
Have you started the yoke repeats yet? Check that you’ve made any decreases or increases called for in the pattern before the yoke. If that’s ok, then see if there is a place where you can decrease or increase to a multiple of 14 sts. Maybe there’s a plain row before the yoke pattern sts or within the patterned sts where the stitch count could be altered.
I don’t suppose the pattern gives you occasional stitch counts?
If the sweater is a cardigan I’m wondering if the 7 extra sts could be part of the steek?
It’s a pullover. I just attempted the row again. It looks good but there are still 7 stitches. Unfortunately there is no plain row. I wish because I get what you are saying.
The crazy thing is that the stitch count is correct. Exactly 203.
And the repeat is definitely 14sts not say, 14 + 15sts (alternating 14sts and then 15sts)?
If you want you can post a round of the repeat or a chart row. Don’t give us more than a row or 2 due to designer copyright please.